By: Scott St. John - Pipeline
Many of today’s household names began as humble startups in their founder’s dormitories, garages, and spare bedrooms years ago. Bill Gates (Microsoft), Elon Musk (Tesla), Mark Zuckerberg (Meta,
parent company of Facebook), and Steve Jobs (Apple) all started similarly— with not much more than vision, passion, and determination. That all changed with one simple but monumental and extremely
challenging thing: access to capital. These represent startup success stories. The companies that have unlocked the promise of innovation, economic growth, and wealth did so within the startup
business model…
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By: Scott St. John - Pipeline
When Congress passed the Rural Electrification Act in May 1936 as part of Roosevelt’s sweeping New Deal, it took the first step toward revolutionizing daily life for millions of Americans in
remote, rural areas. Public funding for infrastructure development on this scale was absolutely necessary, and arguably the only mechanism by which electrification would happen as quickly and
successfully as it did. The act’s legacy transcends electrification and even has implications today. It established the precedent for funding infrastructure that increases productivity, improves
our lives, and enables participation in the digital economy—including high-speed broadband infrastructure…
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By: Koroush Saraf - VP Product Management, ZPE Systems
Digital services are like air. When they’re available, the modern customer doesn’t think about them. But when they’re lacking, customers go into a frenzy trying to resume their day-to-day
business. This expectation means an organization’s revenue is tied very tightly to the reliability of the digital services it provides via its IT architecture. However, meeting business service
level expectations proves extremely difficult because of the new reality of hybrid infrastructure. ZPE Systems recently worked with tech giants to solve this problem, and is now sharing this
validated reference architecture in the form of a network automation blueprint…
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By: Matthew Ray
With its roots as a utility, the traditional culture of communications service providers (CSPs) has been to first consider what the network could do, and then monetize it. Service offerings
were built on existing capabilities. And for years this worked until—with cloud providers and over-the-top (OTT) providers encroaching on the telecom market—suddenly it did not, with serious impact
to both CSPs’ revenues and relevance. The legacy, network-centric approach is not attuned to the demands of the enterprise customer, and to the real and emergent pressures of a hyperconnected,
always-on world…
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By: Bhushan Joshi
The demand for 5G is only growing. As communications service providers (CSPs) work to roll out the next generation of cellular technology, they face the challenge of doing so without energy
use—and costs—skyrocketing. If 5G is deployed in the same way as 3G and 4G, energy of mobile networks would increase dramatically. In fact, some providers have estimated that their energy
consumption will double to meet increasing traffic demands. Because over 90 percent of network operating costs are spent on energy needs, an energy spike like that is not sustainable from either a
cost or environmental standpoint…
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By: Leonard Sheahan
Of all the fundamental advancements enabled by 5G, network slicing may turn out to be the most transformative across a number of industries. By allocating portions of the network to specific
industry use cases and guaranteeing low-latency connectivity tailored to their needs, CSPs can go beyond the saturated mobile device market and find new opportunities in potentially mission
critical services such as drone connectivity, V2X, cyber-physical control applications, and high-speed rail communications, to name but a few…
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By: Brian Dietz
The future of the Internet has a name, and it’s 10G. Imagine a broadband network that is ten times faster than today’s networks, delivering Internet speeds of 10 gigabits per second. The
next-generation speed, low latency, reliability, and security of 10G networks will have the power to support whatever comes next. In today’s ever-evolving digital world, 10G will enable innovators
to create a wide variety of new services and applications that will revolutionize everything about the way we live, learn, work, and play…
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By: Craig McKesson
If I asked ten people what “technological evolution” means, I would undoubtedly get ten different answers. Our currently evolving technology infrastructure is a dynamic process that is
simultaneously both a theory and a practice. Elements of this evolution run the gamut from the physical to the virtual, and at every touchpoint in between. Evolution, by its definition, is not a
siloed concept, but rather one that requires comprehensive and integrative strategies that incorporate both current technological advancements and those that we know are coming in the
not-so-distant future…
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By: Joe Spytek
Communication is so fundamental to our daily lives, yet something that many of us living in the more developed parts of the world take for granted. Where would we be without our cellphones,
Netflix and social media? Or more seriously, how would many companies and workers have fared without reliable broadband when they were forced to turn to remote working during Covid lockdowns?
It is easy for us to expect consistent, reliable connectivity from all of our devices when going about our daily lives…
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By: Mark Abolafia
Digital transformation empowers operators with next-generation service delivery and autonomous, intent-driven networks. But this industry shift presents daunting challenges. As CSPs become
digital service providers, they must transform their monolithic operations support systems (OSS) and retool their network architecture to satisfy the demands of the modern market. These
technical and operational challenges result from the extensive manual coding required to implement traditional BSS and OSS tools, including end-to-end service orchestration, network provisioning,
service monitoring and service assurance…
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By: Scott St. John - Pipeline
Evolution and revolution go hand in hand. When you think about it, they’re virtually the same thing. The only real difference is the timetable. In astronomical terms, it was only yesterday when
we were throwing sticks and stones at mammoths and enjoying the fruits of our efforts over a flint-struck fire. Today, we can order takeout from virtually anywhere on a mobile device, have it
delivered by drone, and eat it while a robot vacuums the rug. We’ve come a long way, and in a relatively short amount of time…
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By: Jara Kern, Pipeline
An AI-powered parking space finder. Voice-powered car commands. A 10-year path to more energy-efficient and greener networks. Universal cellular coverage, from even the most remote places on
the globe. These are some of the top headlines from this month’s technology industry news, along with highlights and product unveilings from the 2022 SCTE Cable-Tec Expo. The top technology
industry news stories from the month are summarized below. To view all the news as it breaks, check out Pipeline’s News Center or subscribe to receive our telecom industry news summary…
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