Telecom is staring down a year poised for significant economic attrition. It will make 2023 one of the most interesting years yet for our industry.
Change comes faster than usual and is unavoidable when times are hard. I predict we will see hard business decisions made around sustainability, supply chain industrialization, smart use of cloud, and improved automation and network delayering.
Lest there be a whiff of negativity in my tone, let me state explicitly I think this confluence of factors is actually a positive. They make 2023 a perfect year for telecom to accelerate change.
The economic downturn will force telecom to become more practical, remove inefficiencies and make real business progress.
I base this on my experience during the “dot-bomb” collapse of 2000 and what we collectively saw telecom achieve during the pandemic.
Change happens faster when there is no alternative. Then we are always amazed at how quickly and competently progress can happen. Case in point: when Covid sent the world home, telecom transformed and modernized customer care support centers, and supported remote capabilities for workers. We kept the services going. There were no outages. It wasn't chaos. It wasn't crazy. If telecom had to plan this in advance, it would have taken years and there still would have been mistakes. Unavoidable change forced our industry to do what may have seemed impossible seemingly overnight.
I predict that for many operators, a lot of the projects they’ve been dancing with—these “impractical ideas”—could very likely turn out to be growth engines.
Real progress on sustainability will be made in 2023, mostly for economic and critical infrastructure reasons. One of the reasons telecom sustainability is going to become suddenly so big is because energy prices are going up and energy supply is