LLMs on Commodity Hardware: What,
Where, Why AI PCs Are Already Here

We show results for five models on the memory-rich platforms and three models on the memory-constrained.
finding, we use software created by the open source llama.cpp project. We use a few sizes of some open-source LLMs. We run them on a few laptops and one server. The laptops range from today’s fastest, high end, back to old ones that may be still in use. The server is from yesterday’s generation of high-end data-center systems. Table 1 (on previous page) shows the hardware used. The fastest hardware we used is a system comprised of a 2P Xeon Gold server with a single Nvidia A100 80GB GPU. 

The A100 is still very useful for inference, but as of Nvidia’s latest announcements, it is now two generations behind their leading-edge AI hardware. In addition, we ran llama.cpp on Apple MacBook Pro laptops with the M-series chips. These chips integrate a multi-core CPU with a capable GPU in the same SoC (system-on-chip). The same microarchitecture is implemented in Apple’s iPhone handsets — though with fewer cores — so we can postulate that today’s low-end MacBook performance is tomorrow’s iPhone performance. We expect other smartphone platforms to keep pace due to competitive pressures.

Table 2. CPU plus GPU inference speed and performance-per-Watt for large models on server and high-end laptop. The MoE Mixtral-8x7B has both better accuracy (response quality; not shown) and better speed than the large LLaMA model.


Table 3. CPU plus GPU inference speed and performance-per-Watt for smaller models.

To put a bound on the low end, we employ one past-generation Intel x86 microprocessor in an HP laptop; as with the sever platform, it’s running Linux.

We will compare a small selection of models and sizes to get a sense for what is possible currently: two LLaMA-2 models — 7B-chat (small at seven-billion weights) and 70B-chat (largest at seventy-billion); the state-of-the-art Mixtral-8x7B-instruct mixture-of-experts (MoE) model (large at fifty-six billion total parameters with fourteen-billion used at any one time); and the two small models — phi-2-2.7B (small at 2.7-billion) and tiny-vicuna-1B (smallest at one-billion). All models will be run with 4-bit quantization in the format known as GGUF, which is the native quantized format for llama.cpp. We show results for five models on the memory-rich platforms and three models on the memory-constrained. For high-end GPU-assisted results, we compare the largest models separately.

Consult Tables 2 and 3 (above), and 4 (on next page) to see the results. Each row is for a single model on a single platform, and there are columns for raw speed


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