Making Customer Experience a Red-rose Experience

By: Eric Klein

The experiences of 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic have shown that many transactions have gone digital (in 2020 global digital sales grew 45 percent year over year) and this means rethinking our approach to customer experience. A survey by Catalyst showed that businesses lose more than $75 billion a year from poor customer service. In another survey, by Uniphore, 68 percent of respondents said they would stop patronizing companies with which they had a bad customer experience. With the cost of new customer acquisition being two to 25 times more expensive than customer retention or upselling, good customer care is imperative for a company’s bottom line…

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AI Gets Personal: 360-degree Customer CX

By: Vinodkumar Subramanian

The reinvention of chief marketing officers (CMOs), their teams, and the marketing functions will be the theme for successful CMOs in 2021, based on Forrester 2021 predictions. Over the last few years, communications service providers (CSPs) worldwide have been transforming their traditional marketing functions and processes to improve efficiency and revenue. CMOs now need to go one step further and drive customer obsession at their companies, putting the customer at the center of everything they do, including leadership, strategy and operations…

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Lessons learned from COVID-19

By: James D. Taylor

This COVID-19 pandemic has been something. A year ago, when businesses started to close, we were told to confine ourselves to our homes, and there was a huge surge in demand for toilet paper. We as a country had no idea what to expect. For some of us, it was a flashback to September 12, 2001, the day after 9/11. We had just been attacked by a seemingly “invisible” enemy that we did not anticipate, and we were forced to halt our regular lives and ponder our existence. Like the days and months that followed 9/11, we grew to accept a “new normal” that encompassed no-fly zones and heightened TSA security…

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CX, the Pandemic, and the Data Center

By: Todd Cushing

Over the last year, the COVID-19 pandemic has compelled many organizations to manage people and processes differently. Tech organizations in particular are just handling things differently, reinventing, rejiggering, and reshaping along the way. One constant, though, at least among technology-based companies, has been the commitment to the customer experience (CX). CX for technology companies, including data centers, enables a positive experience that ultimately gives consumers what they want, while the businesses will also grow from that deeper understanding of their customers…

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3DCX: A Truly Hands-Free Future

By: George Brostoff

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since everything that we knew about the world went sideways. In early March 2020, people in North America were living their “normal” lives, but in less than two weeks everything changed as the COVID-19 pandemic went from an abstract concept to a daily reality in the United States. Offices closed. Stores shuttered their doors. Bustling downtowns became ghost towns overnight. Public transit systems went from crowded to empty in the blink of an eye…

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Understanding Cognitive Biases for Better CX

By: Peter Jakus

We make decisions every minute about what is safe or dangerous, what is a priority and what is unimportant, what is interesting or ugly, and so on. We sort, we discard, and we make decisions thousands of times a day as we go through life. The savvy marketer must learn how to use cognitive biases to help shape how potential customers make important decisions about products. Understanding psychology in marketing and the decision-making process can help you nudge visitors toward a particular purchase online and can boost your revenue…

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Delivering Programmable Immersive CX

By: Al Balasco

Beyond the day-to-day impact COVID-19 has had on our lives, it has fundamentally begun to change how we interact, study and work. While businesses have adapted to the initial challenges, the pandemic has galvanized a huge shift in the way businesses are thinking about how work will be done moving forward. As teams have settled into regular online meetings, businesses are now able to look beyond the short-term need for remote work solutions and consider ways in which new technologies can help them plan, remain efficient, and ultimately thrive in the emerging new normal…

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CX in 2021: A Look Back, a Look Forward

By: Xabier Miqueo

Well, we didn’t see last year coming, did we? On Planet Telco, just as we were starting to pack our bags for the annual week in Barcelona in early 2020, COVID-19 arrived with a vengeance. And everything changed, quickly—not least the face of customer engagement. In fact, the pandemic has driven unprecedented shifts in customer engagement, both in terms of consumer behavior and digital adoption. A year later and here we are in early 2021 again planning for the future. The question for marketers now is how will customer engagement continue to evolve in 2021? And how will the trends and practices that emerged in 2020 inform effective strategies going forward? I believe that a bolder vision for customer engagement is now emerging, one that’s different and that looks beyond the pandemic and realizes the increasingly relevant role of loyalty and retention, both as key growth drivers and brand-building engines…

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Securing Connected Home Devices

By: Marijus Briedis

With so many people remotely working, today’s typical office looks nothing like it did before. In fact, it might be corporate chaos in the living room. This new approach to working from home introduces new risk from a technological perspective, as there are now hundreds of devices accessing corporate networks.  The days of being able to control every element through Active Directory and still stay safe are over. And as the lines between work and home continue to blur during and after this period, employees will increasingly use their personal devices while working from home…

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Letter from the Editor - Perspective

By: Scott St. John - Pipeline

What a year it’s been. To date, there have been nearly 117 million cases of COVID-19 globally, and 2.6 million people have tragically died from the disease. Staggering numbers. Scary stuff. But, there is a flip side to that coin that isn’t making headlines. Only two percent of the people who contracted COVID-19 actually died from it.  A point I emphasized in my Letter from the Editor way back in March 2020, and surprisingly not much has changed since then, relatively speaking. So far, 56 percent of people who have been infected with novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) have been reported to have fully recovered…

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IT & Telecom Industry News

By: Scott St. John - Pipeline

A year into the pandemic, we’re gaining perspective on how the rapid shift to remote work, school and communications has changed demand for networks and connectivity. We heard this month from OpenVault on increased broadband usage and from Juniper Research on the boom in video calling during the time of COVID-19. We also heard from the Federal Communications Commission and its new acting chairwoman on how the US agency is stepping up expanded emergency access to keep households, schools and businesses connected during this time…

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