Pre-show Guide to Digital Transformation
World (DTW) 2024

AI, in particular, is the buzzword on everybody’s lips. There’s no doubt it has interesting applications. However, the gulf between “interesting” and “transformational” is a significant one.
The catalysts cover a diverse span of themes. From “Holistic intelligence & GenAI to Accelerate 5G Monetization,” a collaboration including Netcracker and AWS, to “AI-Powered Sustainable Smart Farming.”

SmartHive xG,” which focuses on a new urban development called Port City Columbo in Sri Lanka, presents a blueprint for a state-of-the-art smart city. "SATCOM + 5G anywhere," a project exploring the integration of telecoms and satellite communications CFSs into a single commerce layer, with input from Oracle and Airbus, is another to keep an eye out for. As is "DarkNOC: GenAI propels insights driven NetOps," a catalyst with AT&T, BT, MYCOM OSI and others that will showcase an AI cloud stack for network assurance and service management layers designed to enable ‘zero-touch’ operations.

Catalyst exhibits in the Quad are grouped between the exhibit stands and organized by topic: “AI” occupying the left side as your enter, followed by “Composable IT and Ecosystems” and “Growth.” “Autonomous Network Operations” and “Sustainability” sit between the exhibits on the right of the Quad.  

The Loft stage, accessible off the Quad, has a unique emphasis on next-gen telco tech. Watch out for “Composable IT: the Superpower,” “Growth Powerplays,” and the various “AI in Action” sessions. 

Digital Transformation World Next20 Startup Program

The Next20 Startup Program connects startups with CSPs and technology suppliers to open opportunities for innovation in the telecommunications ecosystem. 

Participants can receive mentoring, exhibit innovations, and will compete in a pitching competition. The 2024 event focuses on the joint challenges of driving AI adoption, efficiency, and growth. Startups are presenting an array of interesting solutions, from quantum tech (iQrypto) to cyber resilience (Mitigant). 

Next20 aims to kickstart conversations and represents an opportunity for industry leaders to form new partnerships. The aim is to give startups the collaborative relationships and funds to scale and enhance their innovation cycles. 

Digital Transformation World 2024 Hackathon

The Hackathon will challenge company teams to develop AI solutions for real-world telco roadblocks in areas like customer experience, IT, and network optimization. 

There will be a range of advanced AI tools and TM Forum assets available, including the much-talked-about TM Forum Guru, a GenAI information search tool built to streamline the creation of architecture blueprints. Projects are judged on impact, innovation, relevance, feasibility, technical execution, and user experience.

DTW 2024 Awards 

The first day of DTW 2024 will close with the TM Forum Awards. The event celebrates organizations advancing digital transformation across six categories: Autonomous Networks, Customer Experience, ODA Implementation, AI Innovation, Network Monetization, and Serving People & Planet.

These awards recognize significant contributions within the industry and winners will be announced by BBC journalist Zoe Kleinman. 

The event will finish with the Innovation Awards on the Park Stage, where the winners of Next20, the AI Hackathon, and Catalyst Projects will be announced. 

DTW 2024 and the AI-Led Telco-to-Techco Transformation 

The broad lineup at DTW 2024 is set to cover the many trends at play and all levels of the telco ecosystem, encompassing providers, enterprise suppliers, and end-consumers. 

The real question is whether or not the array of presentations and exhibits can cut through the fluff and identify genuine opportunities for growth and telco evolution. AI, in particular, is the buzzword on everybody’s lips. There’s no doubt it has interesting applications. However, the gulf between “interesting” and “transformational” is a significant one. 

Nonetheless, it's set to be a full three days, with ample opportunity for learning, networking, competing (if you’re part of the Hackathon), and relaxing. Don’t forget to see a bit of Copenhagen — on the Segway’s if you can — while you’re there. 



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