By: Michael Scott
How customized, all-optical metro Ethernet solutions can improve business productivity, eliminate network downtime and save money in the process.Joe Winn, the technology manager for Sequoyah
Electric, a commercial electrical contracting company based in Redmond, Wash., knew he needed a dedicated fiber solution to provide the higher capacity and more reliable bandwidth that would keep
his facilities around the Seattle region connected and properly backed up. But he also assumed that upgrading to an all-optical option would be cost-prohibitive…
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By: Becky Bracken
Building customer loyalty requires a several-pronged approach and happens from the network level up to customer service. Here are the building blocks of customer loyalty and how operators and
service providers can leverage each to reduce churn and build a lasting customer relationship. It's time to focus on building customer loyalty. It's the singularly most powerful tool for service
providers and operators to compete with over-the-top (OTT) players. First, the no-brainer bit. The service has to work ALL the time…
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By: Jesse Cryderman
Two months ago, I received a greeting card in the mail from my service provider. Inside the card there wasn’t an upsell offer, as I expected, but a pre-paid Visa card loaded with $10. Although
the card made no mention of it, later in the month AT&T made some small changes to the way in which I consumed their service (I often viewed UVerse through my XBOX 360), and this was likely a
pre-emptive gesture of good will. In fact, I told several people about the gift card, and no one about the change in service…
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By: Becky Bracken
Accanto Systems wants operators to re-imagine the way they relate to their customers. Let's face it: Not all customers are equally important to your business. Customer Quality of Experience
(QoE) for mobile service providers is more than a simple data point to be collected and passed off to network managers. With solutions like Accanto Systems' real-time iCEM platform, QoE and
customer service, assurance can become a smart strategy to employ network assets to optimize the experience of those customers who generate the most revenue across all facets of the business…
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By: Becky Bracken
People don't build a relationship with a product or service; they build relationships with brands. Mobile service providers have had a miserable track record with building meaningful brand
relationships with their customers. Brands give customers something to hold onto. Brands engage and permeate the atmosphere beyond the purchase transaction. Brands tell you something about the
consumer. Brands don't simply meet a need; they create a space in which the customer must inhabit. Brands don't have to worry about churn…
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By: Jesse Cryderman, Scott St. John -

arcelona was the place to be during the last week of February, as a record 85,000 attendees representing
201 countries converged on the Fira Gran Via and the Fira Montjuic for the GSMA’s Mobile World Congress 2014 and mPowered partner event. It was also the biggest MWC yet, in terms of sheer size and
scope, boasting more than 2…
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By: Thomas Vasen
The borderline between OSS and BSS is blurring as control of networks and activities becomes a new front in the battle against churn. Operators are being driven to introduce new processes
and management tools in order to deliver network services like mobile broadband in an effective and profitable way. This is because it’s not just delivering the services that matters; it’s
delivering them in a way that maximizes their impact and enables their bottom-line revenue potential to be reached…
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By: Jesse Cryderman
Dig past the marketing rhetoric and it’s clear that the technological gap between competing CSPs is narrowing. “As price and performance across providers converge, the account service and
support, in many instances, becomes the differentiator,” said Frank Perazzini, Director of telecommunications at J.D. Power and Associates. CSPs are starting to view CEM as a vital tool that
can help them stand out from the crowd, acquire new subscribers, increase the “stickiness” of their services (i…
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By: Jesse Cryderman
"Churn" is a dirty word in telecom. Unless it’s declining, no one likes to talk about it publicly, and yet the word is used quite often behind closed doors. That’s because churn indicates a
relationship gone bad—it’s proof of a breakup, and no one wants to talk about how many break-ups they’ve weathered. Churn, short-hand for churn rate, is the embodiment of the antithesis of customer
experience management (CEM), a metric that analysts, business leaders, and shareholders closely track, and a figure that reflects an ability to cultivate—or decimate—customer loyalty…
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By: Jesse Cryderman
Olympic Games As the Winter Games kicked off in Sochi, a cable deal of Olympic proportions began brewing in the US. Comcast moved to purchase Time Warner Cable (TWC) for more than $45 billion,
a move that would significantly consolidate the pay-TV market in the United States. Comcast says it would divest 3 million customers as an olive branch to the FCC, but battle lines are being drawn
and the likelihood of this deal receiving the regulator's blessing is far from a sure thing. The Comcast takeover of Time Warner Cable will allow the new consolidated company to cut costs by taking
advantage of scale, none of which is likely to benefit the consumer, according to industry analysts…
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By: Tim Young
“Well done is better than well said.”-Benjamin Franklin There is a central problem of perception that, while less prevalent than it once was, still plagues companies of all sizes and in all
industries: the idea being that customer service, customer care, customer experience management or any other activity or department that contains the word “customer” is a discrete and singular
entity. That customer care is one small part of a business rather than the focus of the entire organization…
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