November 2012 Letter from the Editor

By: Tim Young - do not use (default)

rdinarily, I like to begin these monthly letters with a quote.  Something light and pithy to sum up a given issue's theme.  It might be a little funny or maybe vaguely inspiring, but it's always designed to work with the central topic of the issue while accurately representing our editorial take on the topic. 

However, if you hunt around for quotes about security, they're all conspicuously disdainful of security as a concept. Notable quotes are generally the product of people who have done great and noteworthy things. They've led armies and nations and won prizes for both war and peace. They've cured diseases, run corporations, pioneered and invented. They've achieved these things by risking it all — just ask their biographers — throwing caution to the wind and making bold gambles, security be damned.

What makes a much less impressive quote is this: Security enables growth, fosters communication and generally makes it easier to live, learn and do business. Security allows for the growth of a modicum of trust. 

In this issue of Pipeline we discuss security and the different angles from which communications service providers must approach it as networks grow, change and become more complex. We address the changing paradigms of security delivery, including security as a service and security for external devices and developers. We examine the problematic implications of ubiquitous M2M and discuss how communications IT can help customers and businesses avert today's telecom scams. We’re also pleased to feature an article from Tim McElligott on data center security in an era of virtualization. And we go global to discuss how security is playing a role Down Under, and how uncertainty between two major global powers is complicated by the intersection of globalization and suspicion. 

Being pragmatic, safe and sound isn’t always attractive, but when it comes to business, it generally beats the alternative… no matter what the daredevils say. We trust you’ll enjoy the issue. 

All the best,

Tim Young


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