Midas Touch: Turning Customer Trigger Points into Engagement and Monetization Gold

Successful upsell engagement can be achieved by CSPs that offer users a shared data package that potentially eliminates their need for tethering entirely.

Turning Lemons into Lemonade

It may seem like an unlikely touchpoint, but a significant amount of network users - the digitally hooked, millennials, business users and males making up the majority - are visiting the websites of their communication provider’s competitors. More than one might think. Approximately .75 percent of subscribers visit a competitor CSP site on a daily basis,whether browsing for better mobile offerings or seeking a deal. These user profiles tend to churn rather quickly in hopes of snagging an advantageous, cost-saving plan, or one that appeals to their particular mobile wants and needs better than their current provider. Having this information in their back pocket, CSPs can engage with these individuals by offering targeted retention packages designed to keep valued subscribers from leaving the network.

Lifting Your Head to the Cloud

Applications are increasingly hosted in the cloud for improved accessibility and better management. Until now, Dropbox and other over-the-top (OTT) file storage services have been a hugely untapped opportunity for CSPs. By offering file storage alternatives, CSPs have an opportunity to better engage with multiple groups of users, from business professionals to students, while creating a new source of revenue by differentiating available service offerings. Communication providers should also consider offering their own file storage solutions with unique CSP backup services and security add-ons to pique the interest of this user demographic. Since protection against cyber threats and criminals in the cloud might be weaker and potentially questionable, cloud security is crucial for patching any weak links and managing shared access efficiently and effectively.

Monetizing on the Wanderers

It’s no surprise that users who frequent airline, hotel and even entertainment sites are oftentimes on the move. To monetize engagement with this segment of the population, CSPs would be wise to offer voice and data roaming packages relevant to travelers - especially business users, who visit travel sites up to three times more than a typical subscriber. International travel and roaming charges can add up quickly, deterring users from purchasing or extending their call, messaging or data plans, and such charges also have an impact on customer satisfaction. Roaming offers can oftentimes be generic, which is why CSPs that go above and beyond to offer application-specific or customized offerings, according to an individual’s profile, tend to reap the increased benefits in terms of monetization and loyalty.

Making Hotspots Even Hotter

Accessing free WiFi is as easy as walking to a local coffee shop or even some select department stores. Successful upsell engagement can be achieved by CSPs that offer users a shared data package that potentially eliminates their need for tethering entirely, all while allowing subscribers to browse securely from wherever they are. Multi-device plans and WiFi add-ons can monetize engagement with millennials, youth and business users that utilize mobile hotspots more than other user groups. In fact, business professionals use mobile hotspots 69% more than the typical customer profile and millennials sit at 45% more, according to the study.

In today’s increasingly competitive environment, CSPs have an opportunity to completely transform the customer experience and increase loyalty by analyzing online behavior and actions, without having an impact on privacy, to offer relevant digital services that match mobile users’ diverse interests. As CSPs continue to step into their role as digital lifestyle providers, examining their customers’ daily interactions within the network will give CSPs the upper hand in becoming better equipped to not only understanding user diversity, but also providing an opportunity to offer relevant services to each customer at the most opportune moment for uptake. In addition, CSPs can offer security solutions to safeguard users, their devices and data from cyber threats and attacks. It is crucial for CSPs to be aware of - and take advantage of - these triggers and the insights that subscriber intelligence enables in order to monetize and maximize their data assets and network investments.


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