O-RAN: The Next Big Thing in Telecom

By: Suresh Chintada

Fast, reliable, and low-latency data services are essential deliverables from telecom operators today. Realizing them is pushing operators to enhance infrastructure, expand network capacity and mitigate service degradation. Unlike other industries, though, telecom networks are vast monoliths comprising fiber optic cables, proprietary components, and legacy hardware. Because of this, there is less enhancing—and more shoring up the creaking infrastructure. The evolution of RAN Radio access networks (RAN) are the backbone of the telecommunications industry…

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Go Small to Go Big with 400 Gig Line Side Pluggables

By: Art Nichols, John Nishimoto, Kim Papakos

We’re living in an era of data explosion. Data center IP traffic is estimated to grow to 20.6 zettabytes by the end of 2021. As the demand for bandwidth continues to grow, operators must augment their network capacity, which in turn requires more space, power, and capital. To help offset the cost increases from this growth, data center customers and operators have leveraged the benefits of smaller size and lower power utilization from small form factor pluggables to efficiently grow their campus networks…

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The Enterprise Future is Open Source

By: Andrea Worrlein

When modernizing their IT infrastructure and business processes, many companies around the world already rely on open-source technologies. One of the main reasons for this choice is the sheer speed at which innovative solutions can be developed and implemented through the use of open source in their businesses. When decision-makers are deciding between the closed or open-source path for their company, they have to think pragmatically. Digitalization technologies are developing rapidly, and what might be the height of innovation one day can quickly fall out of practice soon after…

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Accelerating Innovation with Cloud CAD Collaboration

By: Jon Hirschtick

Take a quick look around your home. Nearly every object in your field of vision, from the ballpoint pen on your desk to the car in your garage (and even the garage door opener) first existed as a digital 3D model. Computer-aided design (CAD) software is the invisible backbone of the economy, shaping nearly every manufactured object on earth. One of the most disruptive innovations in the product development world happened in the early 1990s, when CAD technology evolved from simple wireframe and 2D drafting to 3D solid modeling…

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How Netflix is Saving Cybersecurity

By: Corey White

In case you missed it, we’re losing the battle against hacks and breaches. Even though more security tools come online every year, personal information and other sensitive data don’t get better protected. We buy more products. We get breached. We adhere to compliance standards. We get breached. We hire managed services providers, and we still get breached. Why can’t we do better? Many of the IT pros we talk to have upwards of 250 security tools in their arsenals; the average is 108. That’s 108 tools designed and built to stop cyber criminals, but the hacks keep coming…

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A Stormy 5G Transformation Forecast

By: Steve Douglas

It’s no secret that 5G would introduce a world of change to telecom networks. But it’s safe to say it wasn’t expected to come surging in all at once. Blame a pandemic, increasing competitive pressures and an urgency to capture new revenues for the latest whirlwind of complexity surrounding wireless operators. What’s the solution to this onslaught of innovation pouring into networks? More innovation. If 2020 was all about a rush to rollouts, 2021 will see a focus to keep them on track. For operators, that means sorting tech challenges, embracing operational efficiencies and lining up a parade of new partners to play important supporting roles…

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Smoothing the 5G Transition with Traffic Engineering

By: Irit Touitou

Communications service providers around the world have experienced an unprecedented explosion in demand for bandwidth. This is the result of several driving forces, including more video streaming, the growing popularity in areas like cloud gaming, and the increasing move to the cloud, to name a few. The increased demand for bandwidth has only accelerated with the pandemic, which triggered a dramatic increase in the number of people working from home, a spike in remote learning, a surge in video meetings, and other online activities…

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Hyperscaling IoT Services

By: Jonas Bjorklund

Growth in “smart everything” is propelling the Internet of Things (IoT) through explosive growth. Amid this acceleration, connectivity becomes essential. It’s anything but simple, though. Mobile operators that think they can create IoT connectivity services by repackaging existing cellular services need to think again. It’s not just a matter of adding IoT SIM management capabilities to an existing mobile core. Enterprise IoT customers need so much more in terms of flexibility and security…

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Combating Climate Change with IoT

By: Adam Cousin, Michael Sharratt

Most of the time, when we think about the effects of climate change, we think about the lasting potential damage to the global environment. But climate change has plenty of short-term effects as well, including those that affect the lives of individuals around the world on an everyday basis. For many, tackling the climate change crisis is no longer just about securing a better, cleaner world for their grandchildren. It’s also about living long enough to meet them.Rapid, largely unchecked growth in the number of vehicles on the road is a huge contributor to both global climate change and declining human health in densely populated cities…

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Letter from the Editor: Hope Springs Eternal

By: Scott St. John, Pipeline

Things are starting to look up. Vaccines are rolling out worldwide, COVID case counts have been plummeting, businesses are reopening, events are being planned, and flowers are blooming as we move from Spring into Summer. The future looks bright. Whatever your stance is on masks or vaccines, it appears we are turning the tide on the pandemic.  According to the data, the vaccines appear to be effective against the currently identified strains of the virus, and we know that wearing n95 mask or better prevent the transmission of the disease…

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Telecom Industry News

By: Scott St. John, Pipeline

Pipeline's technology industry news column this month should be titled “innovation industry news.” This month's headlines, summarized below, represent a broad swath of the stories and initiatives shaping our present and future. Pipeline's News Center burgeoned with the stirrings of technical innovation across the industry, from new survey research that reveals what’s next for retail shopping experiences; to new developments in cybersecurity and IoT security; to the first successful test handover of a connected car between two US 5G networks…

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