Delivering on the Promise of Cloud

An IT department freed from keeping the lights on can be a powerful business asset.

"Data, cloud and mobile come together to create a truly agile and adoptable model," says Kumar. "We see this 'Aha!' moment over and over again when we tell providers just what can be done with fast data in-memory data grids."

In a cloud-enabled environment, data needs to present itself in real time rather than lying fallow in a traditional database. Big Data analytics and other data-heavy applications can't wait for a query to be sent and delivered. With VMware's GemFire, which is designed for use in real-time dynamic applications, the in-memory data grid can store very large amounts of data, distributed across servers and data centers at speeds up to 40-times faster, freeing it from the constraints of the database model. 

CSPs now have the opportunity to run, build and manage applications in a cloud environment. Internal clouds can reduce deployment times from weeks to seconds, run app servers at a fraction of the cost, allow data to be instantly shared across geography and systems, leverage big-and-fast-data analytics already available on the network for dynamic decision making, and eliminate opportunities for service interruptions caused by single points of failure. While there's no one-size-fits-all, out-of-the-box cloud solution, a light, lean OS framework with robust support is a great place to start creating those cloud services your customers want but don't have - yet. 

"It's a very exciting time, but it can feel scary too," Kumar says. "Working in a cloud model, you have to change the way you do business."


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