Accelerating Fiber-optic Network Expansions

While capturing and documenting the infrastructure can be a time-consuming task...
satellite view of the network infrastructure. If, for example, the planning brings cables from the wrong side of a house, this can now be corrected with a few simple mouse clicks. Further, graphical views of splice closures and cassettes, cabinet views with passive and active components, as well as schematic representations of microduct bundles with assigned fiber optic cables enable users to effectively carry out their detailed planning. 

Furthermore, this digital data platform will also make it easier to divide the rollout between different teams and partners so that the numerous activities in the field of passive infrastructure rollout, and the different activities in the deployment of the active network components, can be structured and assigned accurately. After all, teams on site need to know exactly what technical work needs to be done and which information needs to be obtained. For this purpose, work orders should be automatically generated according to planning and then assigned and sent to the different teams. With the ability to retrieve these work orders on mobile devices, employees both on site and in the back office can stay abreast of up-to-date information. 

Data consistency enables efficient network operations

Service providers and telecom operators must utilize an accurate and up-to-date database not only for the planning and rollout of the network infrastructure, but also for the efficient and high-quality operation of the network. While capturing and documenting the infrastructure can be a time-consuming task if the corresponding basis is missing and you need to start from scratch, data generated during the planning phase on the digital data platform can be used directly as a basis to enable a fast and efficient set up of the as-built documentation just by taking over changes from the construction phase and adjusting the status accordingly. In addition, the planning capabilities already used in the initial detailed planning phase can be applied again for further planning cycles or extensions and for the operational change management process. This ensures that network operators can access an up-to-date database at any time to ultimately deliver high-quality services to customers.

Accurate, as-is documentation is particularly important in the event of an outage or malfunction. With the right inventory and resource management solution in place, an operator will receive immediate information about all affected services. For example, if there is construction in the field and cables are damaged, a service manager can see exactly which services and customers are affected, taking into account redundant routings and protection measures, and export a detailed report.   

Based on the information provided by this digital data platform, the operations team can prioritize the operational tasks, determine which customers need to be informed proactively about the planned measures according to their service level agreements (SLAs), and decide which services need to be prioritized for restoration to avoid SLA breaches. At the same time, alternative routes can be quickly identified on the basis of the data integrated in this platform, and necessary configuration changes can be determined for implementation. In the case of a fiber problem, the issue can be precisely localized using OTDR measurement data and visualized on a map thanks to the georeferencing of the network data in the platform. Service teams can then start their work in a targeted manner, without having to scan the entire cable section for possible damage. This saves valuable time and money.

Overall, network operators must be able to effectively plan, document and manage large quantities of geographically dispersed asset data to support the demands of the digital world. Implementing a uniform data model that supports georeferenced information is the ideal way to manage that data and accelerate your fiber optic network expansion.

As geospatial readiness is an important enabler of digital innovation, combining location intelligence with network infrastructure details enables managers to make smarter decisions about network capacity, resiliency, and efficiency. High-end geographical visualization, together with comprehensive inventory and resource management capabilities, comprising not only passive infrastructure but also active physical, logical and virtual resources, will bring network asset and resource data to life, ensure that network upgrades and expansions are based on up-to-date documentation, and reflect all changes in a master data repository. 


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