Letter from the Editor

By: Tim Young

“There’s a way to do it better: Find it!â€
-  Thomas Edison (…maybe)

If you’re a relentless quote verifier, you may rightly note that the above quote, usually attributed to Edison, may or may not have ever passed his lips. And if you’re a member of Team Tesla (the inventor, not the car), you might say that Edison was less interested in the best way of doing things and more interested in what he could sell.

In any case, there’s no denying that the pursuit of a better way—a cheaper way, a cleaner way, a more efficient way—of doing things is at the heart of innovation. That is true in any industry, but especially true in communications and entertainment technology. Things are moving so fast, and finding a better way of doing things is not just the way to get ahead, it’s the way to survive.

And it doesn’t matter, Edison doubters, if the technology is something you originated, something you perfected, or something you popularized. If it makes your business or your industry run more effectively, it’s worth a try.

In this issue of Pipeline, we’ll look at the state of innovation in the integrated communications and entertainment (ICE) technology space. We hear from Vodafone about harnessing innovation as a massive carrier and from investment firm Lotus Innovations about funding the next big thing. We explore the latest in SDN and OpenFlow, examine a CORD that won’t soon be cut, discuss how cognitive systems can enable the next big advances in support systems, and talk about the coming AI revolution. We also discuss the recipients of our 2016 Innovation Awards, which were handed out in a beautiful ceremony in Nice last month. And, as always, we bring you the latest in news and opinion in the ICE technology space.

Best regards,

Tim Young


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