The Emergence of Common Platforms

By: James O'Brien

The concepts of OSS (Operations Support Systems) and BSS (Business Support Systems) originated in the telecommunications industry. Historically, they were largely separate ecosystems. Above the level of hardware (often not even that), they had little in common. Over the last fifteen years, however, the differences have become far less pronounced with the emergence of cloudification/cloud-native (containerization) and SaaS. Cloudification and new methods, such as adopting containerization and microservices, bring challenges as architectures become moving targets…

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Telco in a Box
Telco to Techco Transformation

By: Scott St. John, Pipeline

By most accounts, telcos have been failing. Not fast enough to die, but just slow enough not to. And that’s quite a remarkable feat in the wake of the monumental shift to ecommerce and streaming services, an insatiable appetite for 4G/5G, a global pandemic that created a mandatory demand for global connectivity, and billions of connected devices coming online at the same time – when telcos own the pipes that make it all possible. Despite the abundance of opportunities, the growth of connectivity services was stagnant from 2018 to 2021, and is only projected to grow at the modest rate of just 1 to 3 percent (Bain & Company/IDC, Omdia) through 2026, while Capital Expenses (capex) and layoffs (Omdia, IEEE) are projected to progress at the same time…

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AI Transformation Starts with Concepts

By: Angus Ward

As expected, AI dominated conversations at Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2024. On the opening day five global operators announced a joint venture, The Global Telco AI Alliance, specifically to develop Large Language Models (LLM) dedicated to meeting telco needs. With commercial gains on the cards and a chance not to relinquish control of AI workloads to the hyperscalers, this could be a significant revenue spinner for those involved. Elsewhere, the showroom floor was strewn with narratives of AI-powered services that may pull the industry out of its identity crisis…

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Can Generative AI Become the Saviour
of the Telecoms Industry?

By: Justin Paul

At this year’s Mobile World Congress, it was clear that artificial intelligence, AI, was the hottest topic in the industry right now, leaving cloud, non-terrestrial networks, quantum computing, private 5G and even 6G “in the dust.” However, can the industry make the leap from using AI to improve productivity to making AI a major revenue stream? There is a need for the industry to transform itself and move the major players from telcos to techcos to enable them to benefit from all the new opportunities linked to AI and other emerging technologies…

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The Race to Build AI-optimized Data Center Networks

By: Aniket Khosla

It’s hard to believe that less than two years ago most of the tech industry considered artificial intelligence (AI) a niche topic. A fascinating and important topic, but one discussed in mostly future-focused terms. Fast forward to mid-2024, and the future is now. Practically every solution area in tech now includes a strategy for incorporating generative AI (GenAI) or other AI-enabled applications. And businesses in every industry are racing to put AI to work — automating operations, lowering costs, improving quality, and more…

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Securing Today's Automated Enterprise

By: Srini Addepalli

The rapid adoption of automation and interconnected systems has transformed modern enterprises, offering efficiency and improved functionality. However, these advancements also introduce unique security challenges. This article explores the complex landscape, highlighting the increased attack surface and potential vulnerabilities in automated and interconnected environments. It then identifies the key characteristics of  a comprehensive security solution for these interconnected systems, and highlights critical features and benefits organizations should consider when selecting a security approach for their evolving automated landscape…

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Cybersecurity Risks Nobody is Prepared For

By: Kim Scott

For CEOs it’s a recurring nightmare: waking up to a call saying, “We’ve been hacked.” How did it happen? “We don’t know. We’ve never seen this before.” This bump in the night is happening frequently. GenAI is going to accelerate the appearance of these previously unknown attacks. While some technology tries to target unknown attacks, our defensive tools are best at protecting from known threats. A new set of tools is needed. These tools need to both find and remediate the unexpected attacks…

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AI Risks to Operations

By: Mark Cummings, Ph.D., Zoya Slavina

There is a lot of pressure to use Generative AI (GenAI) in operations. But there are also risks. Hallucinations and GenAI cybersecurity attacks are real problems. Organization leadership and operations staff have three prudent responses available. First, do a risk reward analysis and if the rewards don’t justify the risks, don’t do it. If the decision is to go ahead, include a simulation test before fielding. Whether or not organizations do the first two, they need to do the third — start partnering with innovators that can help harden networks to better withstand GenAI problems while providing encapsulation tools that filter out hallucinations…

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Streamlining Supply Chains for Large
Infrastructure Projects

By: Joey Hougham

In the sprawling deserts of Arizona, a groundbreaking venture is quietly setting the stage for a significant leap in technology and manufacturing within the United States. This ambitious project is not just an answer for one of the country’s most dire technology needs — it’s a construction feat that demonstrates the new blueprint for construction innovation and logistical collaboration in the world of tech manufacturing. In 2022, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), announced plans to build a state-of-the-art, 1100-acre semiconductor fabrication campus in Phoenix, Arizona…

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Enterprise Contract Assurance for Telecoms:
Maximizing the Value of your Contracts

By: Rohit Maheshwari

In the dynamic sphere of the telecom industry, the acceleration of enterprise markets, burgeoning partnerships, and technological advancements have led to increasingly complex contractual landscapes. The process of handling a multitude of contracts, including intricate legal terms, compliance requirements, and negotiations with various stakeholders, is no small feat. This complexity presents myriad challenges but also paves the way for innovative solutions like Contract Assurance. The following comprehensive guide illuminates the pivotal trends, impacts, problems, and solutions in enterprise contract assurance for telecom operators…

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Letter from the Editor - May 2024

By: Scott St. John, Pipeline

Inflated first by the promise of deregulation, then spurred by the advent of broadband, and yet again by the potential of 5G – the communications industry has been in a slow descent since the dot-com bubble burst. There have been glimmers of hope to keep us believing too. We watched as telecom companies acquired media companies to capitalize on the shift to streaming services. We sat with bated breath as the shift to ecommerce took place, which would – of course – drive an insatiable demand for connectivity…

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IT & Telecom Industry News

By: Thomas Board, Pipeline

The technology news continued to pick up pace, and Pipeline has been covering it as it breaks. From hyperscalers to exciting startups, innovation is happening across the board.This month’s top industry news stories are summarized below. To view current breaking news in real-time, visit Pipeline’s News Center, follow Pipeline on social media, or subscribe to receive our weekly industry enterprise and communications technology news summary. Automation & Support Systems News As this is our Automation & Support Systems issue, we'll begin our news roundup in the B/OSS space and beyond…

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