If you’re in the middle of Yellowstone, and have no access to network coverage, you can switch to satellite mode and make a phone call or send a text or an email.

Pipeline: What is the rollout timeline?

Boulben: Our FCC milestones are: 100 million POPs by the end of 2012, 145 million by the end of 2013, and 260 million by the end of 2015.

Pipeline: Network complexity can stymie even the most seasoned wireless carrier: How is LightSquared preparing to handle increasingly complex end-user demands, given its unique business model?

Boulben: I’ve been in the industry for 20 years, and our network is the simplest I’ve ever seen, from an architectural standpoint. Our network is a flat IP architecture. We will not invest in service platforms. Our customers will be able to run whatever they want on our network. Skype. Mobile VoIP. Netflix. Any type of application. Our network provides only the transport layer. It’s really a high quality pipe, but it’s just a pipe. We are not investing in services. We will leave that to our customers and our ecosystem partners.

Pipeline: So operations and business support systems like provisioning, activation, billings, charging, etc., are not built in to your network?

Boulben: All of these things will be much simpler in our network architecture, but it will be our customers who are investing in the aspects of OSS and BSS that touch the end-user, not us.

Pipeline: How about network monitoring and fault management? How does LightSquared manage those?

Boulben: We have announced an outsourcing deal for our network operations with Nokia- Siemens Networks.

Pipeline: They’ll handle all network operations for LightSquared?

Boulben: Yes.

Pipeline: How disruptive do you think LightSquared will be to the business models of traditional wireless service providers?

Boulben: We will be disruptive on the wholesale market because we are going to enable a number of newcomers to enter the wireless market with 4G. That’s one disruption. Another is that we’re going to enable our customers to take full advantage of VoIP. Finally, we’ll be the first to facilitate integrated service between terrestrial and satellite. Those three things will no doubt be disruptive on the market.

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