Pipeline Publishing, Volume 5, Issue 11
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A Preview of Management World 2009

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is doing to deal with the fact that content providers are chipping away at CSP income for value-added services. “It’s not a simple battle between content providers and CSPs,” said Creaner. “These groups are both cooperating and competing at the same time. It all comes down to good business sense. The Content providers will only deliver their services via a CSP value chain if the CSPs are offering some real value add. Otherwise, they will go over the top and deliver straight to the consumer.” Therefore, the TM Forum is trying to “help CSPs define and expose that value-add that keeps them in the value chain. The Service Delivery Framework program is one TM Forum program that is focused on this problem, as is the Content Encounter program, which has been identifying how both content providers and CSPs can jointly deliver efficient, profitable services.”

“This year’s event will have somewhere between 25% and 30% Service Provider audience.”

by our members and conference attendees where it has been featured over the past 18 months.”

CSP, Meet Vendor

At last year’s event, CSPs accounted for just over a quarter (27%) of total attendees (according to numbers from the show’s website.) Since service providers are necessary for the vendors' sales success, how is the TM Forum aiding the vendors in this regard? “Our focus remains to bring together an audience of quality decision makers, which is clearly in the interests of our supplier


Along similar lines, a look at the show website summit agendas shows that the Digital Media Value Chain summit, for example, has a much longer list of speakers than the Technology Transformation summit. Could something like this represent a shift in focus for the Forum or is it, instead, a shift in what Management World attendees are demanding? “Business effectiveness and transformation remain a key focus for the Forum and our attendees at Management World,” said Creaner. "The technology and business transformation summits feature more than 75 speakers across two 3-day conference tracks. In comparison, the Digital Media Value Chain summit includes just over 30 speakers across a single track. Digital media, content, and advertising all represent new areas of interest and opportunity for our existing audience and are also attracting new players from across the value chain. This summit reflects our expanded remit, started in 2007, to fully support our members in to a world of expanded value chains and new business opportunities, which has been well received

members attending, exhibiting, and sponsoring Management World,” said Creaner. “This year’s event will have somewhere between 25% and 30% Service Provider audience.” And how is the TM Forum facilitating meetings between the vendors and service providers? “We have seen increased interest from suppliers this year in our Executive Appointment Service program, which sets up highly targeted and qualified meetings between suppliers and their prospective SP customers. This program has proven very successful in the past, which is why we’re expanding it for 2009,” said Creaner.” “We are also working closely with supplier members to ensure they gain maximum value from their investment at the show, this year offering a new Marketing Partner Program to all suppliers, providing sponsors and exhibitors with VIP passes for their clients and prospects, and working closely with them to ensure that they make the most of their investment.” And again, it’s obvious that making the most out of one’s investments is of key importance in today’s economic climate.

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