Pipeline Publishing, Volume 4, Issue 7
This Month's Issue:
On The Horizon
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TMW - Americas:
Changes in A Shifting Market

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continuing involvement in the PSA (Product and Service Assembly) project, which began as a TMF catalyst and has become a marketable solution, proving once and for all that Catalyst projects are more than just playgrounds for engineers, and can be birthplaces and testing grounds for new and valuable technologies. We'll continue to watch as the firms involved in PSA continue to investigate the Active Catalogue.

Axiom also had plenty to say about its emerging work with WiMAX, hosting joint meetings with representatives from UK WiMAX provider Freedom4.

What will Nice be like this year? How will the Dallas show grow and change? Will it remain in Dallas or is a shift in venue in order? All of these questions are sure to be answered in good time.

note: according to an independent study commissioned by Subex Azure, telecom operators think revenue leakage of 1.8% is “acceptable.” They believe their actual leakage is about twice that. How much are they actually losing? 13.6 percent. Perhaps a reality check is in order.
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TierOne OSS was at the event demonstrating the continued evolution of their firm. The group is proof that there is no substitute for experience, as it sports an executive team with a truly impressive OSS pedigree. At the show, they debuted their bandwidth management solution, TierOne™ enSEMBLE 6.1.

CA was at the event further cementing its presence in the OSS space. The giant touted its 40% growth in the previous fiscal year and made special mention of its fault and performance management solutions as well as its product and portfolio management solutions.

JacobsRimell was at the event, emphasizing its focus on rapid product assembly. The firm had a fresh whitepaper available addressing the need for CSPs to develop a “long tail” of services through data-driven product assembly. JR also demonstrated its implementation of OSS/J Order Management and Inventory APIs.

Subex Azure emphasized its work in revenue assurance, prominently featuring its Revenue Operations Center (ROC). CTO Mark Nicholson showed the same scholarly enthusiasm for the OSS space with Subex as he did with pre-acquisition Syndesis through conference programming and individual meetings that underscored the ROC's capabilities in maximizing revenue. One set of statistics of

Amdocs, ever the presence at TMF events, was at the show demonstrating its convergent IMS charging solution as part of TM Forum’s Seamless OSS/BSS for IMS Services Catalyst Project. In addition, the company touted customer wins with Vodafone Portugal and T-Mobile. In a move dedicated to furthering the company's tradition of thought leadership, they were quick to mention their informative and very lightly branded OSS community website, osstransformation.com.

Tribold continued its strong showing at recent TMF events with great visibility in the context of conference programming, as well as an extremely informative roundtable on the realities of modern product management. That event, which I was fortunate enough to chair, will be further explored in a feature in next month's issue.

2008 and Beyond

After seeing what was bandied about and thrown around at this year's TMW-Americas show, I'm interested to see what's next from TMW and the TMF. What will Nice be like this year? How will the Dallas show grow and change? Will it remain in Dallas or is a shift in venue in order? All of these questions are sure to be answered in good time.

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