Rohde & Schwarz Launches Compact DF Antenna

Unleashing The Power Of Spectrum Monitoring With The R&S ADD507 Compact DF Antenna From Rohde & Schwarz

The R&S ADD507 direction finding antenna from Rohde & Schwarz represents a significant leap forward for spectrum monitoring solutions, offering the widest frequency range on the market in a compact design.

Rohde & Schwarz announced that it has launched the R&S ADD507 compact DF antenna. This innovative direction finding antenna is designed to meet the evolving needs of spectrum regulators and military spectrum managers, offering unparalleled performance and versatility.

The R&S ADD507 DF antenna becomes a vital part of Rohde & Schwarz' compact spectrum monitoring systems, including mobile, transportable and portable stations and provides direction finding in the entire frequency range of interest (9 MHz to 8 GHz) with a single compact DF antenna. Therefore, compact spectrum monitoring systems experience a significant reduction in complexity, along with enhanced capabilities and performance specifications.

R&S ADD507 offers numerous benefits. Its compact and lightweight design ensures easy installation and transportation, while its wide frequency range from 9 MHz to 8 GHz reduces the need for multiple DF antennas. The innovative antenna design provides increased coverage in the VHF range, enabling the detection of even weak signals. Additionally, the active-passive-switch offers high immunity to strong unwanted signals and can be adapted to the signal environment by mouse click. The antenna features the widest DF frequency range on the market for its compact size.

"The R&S ADD507 DF antenna represents a significant leap forward in spectrum monitoring technology," said Anne Stephan, Vice President Monitoring & Network Analytics, Rohde & Schwarz. "We are happy to offer a new solution that is not only versatile and high-performance but also adaptable to the signal environment, allowing measurements in the vicinity of strong unwanted signals."

Source: Rohde & Schwarz media announcement

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