Breakthroughs in Delivery: The Ethernet Access (Cont'd)
very low capital investments offering a pay-as-you go approach. These platforms allow gradual equipment installation in accordance with service demand as well as a cost-effective migration path from point-to-point to point-to-multi-point configurations.
The EFM solutions are carrier grade, and support SLAs and QoS features as well as simplified, non-complicated OAM. Various OAM algorithms including physical-link management, end-to-end connection management and service-level management are offered.
New backhauling alternatives
The demand to support bandwidth-hungry applications forced Cellular, Wi-Fi and residential DSLAM units to be pushed deeper into
the access network requiring more and more backhauling capacity. EFM based solutions offering delivery of high bandwidth Ethernet over bonded copper pairs may be used for backhauling of these remote units. Up to 100Mbps over multiple copper pairs can be supported by EFM based platforms.
Breakthrough for the Business Customers
Ethernet services
Business customers finally have a rich service offering for Ethernet. Until now their alternatives were very limited including either a T1 or a T3 based service. The offering was not flexible in terms of bandwidth, and the prices were very high. If a T3 was desired, it usually required a long-term commitment, a long waiting period or sometimes it was not even possible to get it at all. New Ethernet-over-copper solutions make it much easier because they provide Ethernet all the way, end-to-end, with no translation to ATM, and no T1 interfaces in between. Moreover, no special training is required since everyone is familiar with Ethernet.
These solutions are more flexible and scalable, too. Business can ask for any bandwidth with no major service gaps because 2, 3, 5, 10, 12 or even 50Mbps is possible over copper. The EoC service is a carrier class service offering various SLAs and QoS features per services type, per port allowing better utilization of the link. And most important, the service cost per bandwidth is even less in comparison to the lucrative T1 or T3 previously offered.
The painful wait for fiber is finally over because these breakthroughs are bringing Ethernet services to all businesses everywhere.
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