Pipeline Publishing, Volume 7, Issue 5
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OSS/BSS in the Sunshine State: A Preview of Management World Americas
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The first pick for Tuesday is the revenue management session hosted by Sandip Patel of Time Warner and Sergio Pellizzari, founder of Nakina Systems. They will discuss strategies for optimizing network operations to drive down costs and improve margins. Earlier in the day, two case studies look at ways to streamline OSS/BSS consolidations, which should prove highly relevant, as companies change hands today more than ever.

Wednesday is primarily case studies concerning business transformation and development of better business intelligence. The last part of the day offers presentations that address energy efficiency and green solutions.

On Thursday the summit ends with two intensive debates. The first debate focuses on building managed services partnerships. The second tries to make a case for IT governance that includes greater complexity at the CEO level, but you won't find us there—the mobile advertising intensive looks much more interesting.

Two case studies look at ways to streamline OSS/BSS consolidations.

And a potentially interesting addition to the roster comes from outside the telecommunications industry in Dan Burrier, Chief Innovation Officer of Ogilvy and Mather, NA. If his self-submitted bio is any indication, his time on the podium will be funny, informative, and memorable.

Catalysts and Debates

Two distinctive alternatives to roundtables, case studies and speeches will occur throughout the conference: Catalysts and Intensive Debates.

Catalysts will take place in “Forumville,” which is a collection of live demonstrations of real-world, implementable solutions. Aimed at optimizing business performance, the catalysts fall in six themed zones: Cloud Services, Operational Excellence, Revenue Management, Customer Experience, New Service and Business

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Keys to the Castle

While there are many keynote speakers this year at Management World, let's be honest—not all of them are going to have the effect of a venti latte. But several speakers should be on your dance card.

The witty and insightful Matt Bross is sure to stimulate grey matter. He has a long and distinguished career in telecommunications, and brings considerable experience to the table as CTO of Huawei and former CTO of British Telecom.

Pascal Viginier, Chief Information Officer of leading French telco Orange Group, recently managed the preparation of the merger of Orange and T-Mobile in the UK, leading to Everything Everywhere, the leading mobile operator in the UK. His global perspective on IT, technology, and operational management is sure to be compelling.

Models, and Defense and Government. Our picks are the Catalysts in Operational Excellence, Revenue Management and New Services.

Whether or not the Intensive Debates will live up to their name remains to be seen, but the concept is intriguing—workshop-style sessions with an emphasis on interactive and peer-to-peer learning.

A Full Plate

Management World Americas 2010 conference is chock full of programming and presents a time-management challenge, which the TM Forum has addressed with an online application that allows attendees to create personalized agendas. Much like eating at a buffet in Vegas, the promise of a satisfying meal is only as far away as one’s planning enables. But not all buffets—even those with piles of food—are good. For the OSS/BSS sector, Management World shows promise, but the proof will be in the pudding.

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