
Matthew Clark
John Wilson
Under the theme “Driving the Next
Stage of Growth in African Telecoms”,
the 13th annual AfricaCom could be the
continent’s largest-yet Pan-African
telecommunications. Last year’s
AfricaCom attracted over 3,500
attendees and this year’s attendance
is predicted to be over 4,000. Taking
place in Cape Town, South Africa on
November 10th and 11th; the program
features over 40 hours of strategic
keynotes, interactive panel
discussions, roundtables, breakfast
briefings and special focus sessions.
The conference has offerings for OSS/
BSS sector, including all-day, multi-
session focus areas in “Mobile Money”
on Wednesday as well as “Value-
Added Services” and “Marketing,
Pricing and Loyalty” on Thursday.
Pipeline interviewed Julie Rey, Research
The program features over 40 hours of events. |

What are some important events for those on the OSS/BSS side of the telecom
industry, and who are some of the main OSS/BSS vendors that are attending?

Director at Informa Telecoms & Media
(the producers of AfricaCom), to get an
inside preview of the major topics and
events at this year’s AfricaCom:
What are some of the big events happening in AfricaCom 2010 that attendees
don't want to miss out on?
Julie Rey:
“This year the event is bigger than ever with eight special focus
sessions in the conference, four keynotes covering strategic issues, a separate
two-day conference dedicated to Capacity & Wholesale, a pre-event seminar on
fiber and a breakfast briefing. There is something for everyone, as the sessions
are targeted to different needs and job titles. However I would say the
'must-see' sessions will be the keynotes, where senior representatives of
operator groups (MTN, Vodacom, Orange and more) will share their strategies for
Africa in the year to come.”

“People involved in the OSS/BSS side of the industry will be interested in the
sessions on operational efficiency ("Efficiency & ROI Strategies" on day one)
and on customer management ("Marketing, Pricing & Loyalty" on day two). They
will also have plenty of opportunities to meet suppliers and discuss the latest
solutions with them. Among the companies represented at the event are: Agilent,
Amdocs, Astellia, Celtro, Cerillion, Convergys, Intec, Intracom, Opera Software,
Redknee, Sitronics, Subex, Tecnotree, We Do, VAS-X, as well as major vendors
such as Nokia Siemens Networks, Ericsson, Comviva and Huawei.”
What technological changes have taken place in Africa, and developing
markets in general, that make this event so important right now? Where do you
perceive the biggest places for market growth to be?