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Roaming KPI Service Package: Operators like to host roaming subscribers on their network because it is a very profitable business. Improving roaming quality increases the number of roaming subscribers in an operator's network, thus generating additional revenue and profits. Using a comprehensive system to monitor links, mobile operators are able to obtain vital data about the foreign or visiting subscribers roaming on their network and are able to make informed decisions regarding service offerings, rate plans, and premium content based on the roaming subscriber behavior.
Short Message Service (SMS) KPI Service Package: The mobile messaging market is growing rapidly and is a very profitable business for mobile operators. Unfortunately, increased competition, bundled SMS packages, and growing security threats pose a significant risk to the profitability of mobile operators' SMS business. Operators can leverage an SMS KPI Service Package to detect and locate efficiency issues at the transport level, detect problems that arise during SMS delivery by the SMS service provider and detect abnormal ratios for identifying potential spamming cases (spoofing or faking).
Security Management KPI Service Package: Security is one of the chief concerns of service provider executives worldwide. Many service disruptions go undetected with a transport layer view (which is where most security investment has occurred), since calls or sessions can masquerade as normal traffic. The call control protocols, Signaling System 7 (SS7) and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), provide vital details that, when viewed from a network perspective, can be critical in identifying the characteristics and source of an attack. For example, with the Security Management KPI Service Package, an operator can track interconnection traffic, detect bypass schemes such as Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) bypass, combat fraud by identifying suspect subscribers or call patterns, and monitor content downloads, all while providing a comprehensive security solution.
Traffic Management KPI Service Package: Competition in both wireline and wireless telecommunications markets is putting downward pressure on operator margins

and is directly impacting their ability to invest in the network. Visibility to the core network and its functions is essential to managing and improving margins. As networks evolve to next-gen networks (NGNs), this becomes even more critical.
With the Traffic Management KPI Service Package, operators can manage network-wide QoS, detect bypass calls, identify traffic anomalies in real time, track SIP and H.323 calls, as well as manage service level agreements (SLAs).
As the telecommunications universe rapidly changes and puts greater demand on existing networks to support the growing mobile market, operators will face greater challenges to secure subscriber share and satisfaction with quality of service. As such, it would behoove the operator community to constantly analyze their performance data to find trends, security breaches, and so on.
Identifying KPIs is the important first step in realizing service provider efficiency and profitability. But, performance data is just data unless it is of the highest quality and can be correlated and disseminated uniformly throughout the organization. Centralized collection, analysis, and utilization of data facilitate KPI report generation and ultimately improves network and business decision making and performance.
Employing the Measure-Manage-Monetize model of KPI Management provides operators with the best chance of success in their data analysis. And, by leveraging some of the KPI Service Management packages available today - Prepaid, Roaming, SMS, Security Management and Traffic Management – operators can better optimize and plan their business for today and tomorrow.
Operators, develop and use your KPIs wisely.
About Tekelec
Found at the heart of most global networks, Tekelec's market-leading, service provider-grade network solutions enable the secure and instant delivery of calls and text messages for more than one billion mobile and fixed-line subscribers. The company's session management solutions allow telecom operators to manage the diverse applications, devices, technologies and protocols, across existing and evolving networks, to meet the demands of today's consumer. Tekelec uniquely ensures telecom operators have a clear migration path to SIP-based IP networks, and whatever comes next, with the flexibility to deploy solutions at a pace dictated by their business needs. For more information, please visit www.tekelec.com/KPI.
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