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Detail Records. These xDRs can then be used to calculate KPIs that can be leveraged to alleviate many of the problems confronting operators. Signaling-based monitoring systems that produce KPIs are quite beneficial to the entire network for the following reasons:
- Information is generated by a source independent from any single component within the network. The monitoring system is not in the media path and the signaling-based monitoring measurements do not place an additional burden on the already busy network elements.
- The network system is synchronized by a single clock source, which means all data across the network is naturally synchronized.
- Measurements are based on network signaling and are uniform, irrespective of network element vendor or protocol.
- It is possible to generate a network-wide multi-protocol trace for troubleshooting and diagnostics.
- Measurement changes are easily implemented.
Benefits of Utilizing KPIs Generated Centrally
The advantages and benefits of utilizing KPIs generated from a central performance/service monitoring system are:
- The ability to analyze QoS and usage patterns. These patterns can determine profitability based on income versus usage costs.
- Developing marketing plans that enhance profitability based on the capacity to analyze usage patterns by region and end-points.
- Capability to manage services in developing network, planning, and growth initiatives.
- Early identification of potential revenue leakage.
- Generation of day-to-day usage reports for traffic analysis.
- Generation of week-to-week reports for identifying trends in take rates.
Identifying KPIs is the important first step in realizing service provider efficiency and profitability. |

KPI Service Packages
The Tekelec webinar referenced earlier also polled its operator attendees about what they need for an effective workflow driven by KPIs. Almost 90% said they need all of the following:
- A network-wide integrated monitoring system that is capable of analyzing multiple protocols across multiple technologies. Every operator faces the same challenges and therefore needs cohesion among its makeup of diverse network components and data reports.
- Tools to analyze the collected data.
- Tools that present the KPI information in concise and easy-to-understand reports. The reports need to be formatted so they can be disseminated uniformly to various business organizations.
To this end, an operator is in need of a central network-wide integrated monitoring system that will process and archive "xDRs" – Call/Transaction/Session Detail Records from the network that can be used to generate KPIs for optimizing a variety of services.
KPI Service Management Packages
Tekelec's KPI Service Management Packages provide data usage in the form of reports and customized dashboards, accessible by any authorized user through standard browsers.
Prepaid KPI Service Package: Prepaid services have gained appeal with a very wide customer base because of their simplicity and lower commitment up front than post-paid services. Prepaid KPI Service Packages can be used to resolve issues such as a high rate of prepaid call failures and zero balance calls.


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