Pipeline Publishing, Volume 5, Issue 4
This Month's Issue:
Enabling Innovation
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Letter from the Editor
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"I do not think that the wireless waves I have discovered will have any practical application."

-Heinrich Rudolf Hertz

Well, even wise men are sometimes very, very wrong. Today, wireless technology (albeit a different sort than anything investigated by Hertz) is ubiquitous and ever-evolving. Users are clamoring for newer, faster, and better services all the time.

Furthermore, a new breed of devices is changing expectations even more. The iPhone is an example, but far from the ONLY example. New handsets from numerous providers are shifting expectations and altering user behavior. Service providers must keep up, and that means OSS/BSS professionals have to be on the cutting edge of the entire process.

In this issue of Pipeline, we investigate some of the changing needs and expectations that accompany new and different devices entering the wireless market. We'll hear from experts in the industry on where the entire space is moving and how we can get there.

We have a piece from Chris Ballard of the TMForum's Device Management initiative on what the Forum is doing within the space. We also hear from LTC, International's Wedge Greene and Trevor Hayes on the evolution of networks and devices. We have word from Ed Finegold on the state of pay-by-wireless in the North American Market. In addition, we'll get the latest from Velocent, Netcracker, and VPI-Systems, as well as a look at the upcoming Broadband World Forum.

Service providers must keep up, and that means OSS/BSS professionals have to be on the cutting edge of the entire process.

All that, plus the latest in news and opinion in the OSS space.

And, as always, don't forget that if you aren't a Pipeline subscriber, you can sign up for free and stay current on all that Pipeline has to offer.


Tim Young

P.S. Pipeline welcomes your comments
and feedback.
Write to me at editor@pipelinepub.com.

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