Pipeline Publishing, Volume 5, Issue 4
This Month's Issue:
Enabling Innovation
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Exhibits, Awards, and Hors d'Oeuvres: What to Expect at BBWF Europe

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By Alana Grelyak with John R. Janowiak

With John R. Janowiak

Pipeline: The BBWF Europe website advertises that the event will help attendees "recognize the market potential of the latest broadband content, entertainment, applications, and services for the enterprise and home..." Can you give us a bit of a preview and perhaps some specific examples of what that means to our readers?

John Janowiak: The Broadband World Forum Europe 2008 will present more than 250 of the world's best experts to speak in more than 50 keynotes, plenary panels, sessions and workshops! Last year, approximately 87% of our attendees were manager-level and above...this is unlike any other event in the industry. The BBWF Europe consistently draws the industry's decision makers year after year.

What this means to your readers is our event affords attendees a rare opportunity to conduct business with and learn first-hand from those at the forefront of leading broadband technologies, services, and innovations.

Pipeline: Do you have an estimate for the number of attendees you plan to attract? Can you share with us a ballpark figure for how many have already registered?

John Janowiak: We expect to draw more than 7,000 registrants. This year is particularly special since we are co-locating the BBWF Europe with Belgacom's 35th ICT Symposium. As you may or may not know, Belgacom is the official host sponsor of the BBWF Europe so it is very fitting. Belgacom's ICT Symposium

What this means to your readers is our event affords attendees a rare opportunity to conduct business with and learn first-hand from those at the forefront of leading broadband technologies, services, and innovations


Pipeline: What is the significance of placing the event in Brussels versus some of the other major cities in Europe? Does it have anything to do with Belgacom as the event sponsor? If so, can you discuss why you decided to partner with them?

John Janowiak: The BBWF Europe partners with a different host sponsor each year, which are typically incumbent service providers in their respective

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will enable enterprise to stay ahead of their competition by offering some of the best information and telecommunications technologies to improve their performance. Belgacom will invite all their top customers and because both events uniquely represent the entire ICT value chain, we expect to have significant growth from last year.

regions. Therefore, it's only fitting to host the event in their city. We are pleased to bring the World Forum to Brussels where Belgacom has a large presence. We'll also have the European Union present in the educational program as well as many regional ICT players.

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