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Clarity has been awarded an extension on its OSS contract with Tier 1 SP PT Telkomunikasi Indonesia (PT Telkom) whereupon Clarity will provide support for PT Telkom's Metro-Ethernet services, providing NGN services like IPTV, VoIP, and Video on Demand. Indra Utoyo, Director of Information Technology at PT Telkom Indonesia, said "Clarity's solution ... support[s] Quality of Service provisioning for triple play (voice, video, and data) services that will run over a converged network. In addition, any network event or fault can be quickly identified, assessed immediately, and resolved promptly before any of our customer's Service Level Agreements are impacted...."
Best Buy will be selling the Apple iPhone, the first retail chain to be able to do so, as of September 7 of this year. |

OSS that can automate processes that span the customer order through to activation on the network. This automation reduces the long-term cost of ownership of the OSS and helps deliver a high-quality customer experience."
In the world of acquisitions, Nortel has acquired Pingtel, a designer of software-based

Amdocs has made efforts to get the word out that its presence in the OSS market is still growing. With its acquisition of Jacobs Rimell in April, and its prior acquisition of Cramer in 2006, Amdocs has invested significant time and assets into providing OSS applications to Tier 1 and Tier 2 service providers. Recently, Amdocs has provided the Amdocs Operations Support Systems to KPN, the largest SP in the Netherlands, for fulfillment of its broadband services. "KPN is one of the world's leading service providers that continue to work with Amdocs to design and deploy strategic OSS transformation initiatives," said Charles Born, vice president of corporate communications for Amdocs. "As service providers build and deploy new next generation networks, they need integrated

unified communications solutions, which was owned by Bluesocket Inc. Pingtel already had an existing OEM relationship with Nortel. "This acquisition is another building block in Nortel's vision to be a software-centric company and the leading provider of unified communications solutions," said David Downing, General Manager, Enterprise and SMB Communications Systems, Nortel. "We believe that bringing Pingtel's critical R&D capabilities in-house will enable us to further develop software-based solutions that go beyond the boundaries of our previous OEM relationship. We expect that this will enable Nortel to accelerate the development of new IT-centric channels to market."