The only publication dedicated to OSS     Volume 2, Issue 4 - September 2005
Current Issue
Cover Page
Intelligent Ethernet
Ethernet as a Carrier Service
MEF Speaks
Gig-E vs. SONET
Serving Up Ethernet
High Availability Services
End-to-End Ethernet
Ethernet’s Keys
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The End-to-End Ethernet (Cont'd)

Ethernet OAM enables the carrier to provide fast, accurate and efficient resolution to the customer service problem. Where in the past it may have taken hours or days to resolve an issue, it can now be diagnosed in a matter of minutes and corrective action taken. The customer SLA is not compromised and the service providers benefits from reduced OPEX.

Enterprise Service Portal
Service portals allow enterprises to monitor their services. Carriers can use the statistics generated by the service aware manager to enable the enterprise to develop its own reports on the health of its services. Some carriers are already offering customer-facing tools with GUI interfaces to allow their customers to perform these statistics-reporting functions. These tools can then be charged for, providing incremental revenue to the carrier.

Portals can also allow enterprises to dynamically change the bandwidth and other parameters of their services. Once again, carriers are building these customer-facing tools and producing incremental revenues

Service Aware Management Comes of Age
A carrier class Ethernet network must enable service providers to efficiently provision services, manage faults, and troubleshoot the network. To meet these requirements in an increasingly competitive and demanding environment, service providers must have superior OAM capabilities in their network management systems. A multi-dimensional, service aware manager transcends the capabilities typically found in element managers, with its integrated and service-oriented architecture and applications that present the network to the management system as a single virtual node, thus simplifying service activation and assurance.

The resulting benefits, leading to reduced OPEX for the carrier are:
• Reduced cost and complexity through the composite service model
• Improved provisioning, service activation, and fault management
• Reduced human operator errors
• Faster mean time to repair – direct correlation of network faults to service impact

The capabilities of a multi-dimensional, service aware manager enable services providers to offer the service assurances their customers need and to back up their services with stringent SLAs. Without these capabilities, service providers will be relegated to providing best-effort services at commodity pricing.


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