Pipeline Publishing, Volume 4, Issue 2
This Month's Issue:
Keeping Customers
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Letter from the Editor
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Keeping Customers.

“A bargain is anything a customer thinks a store is losing money on.” - Kin Hubbard

It's a matter of perception. The customer wants services, yes. Sharp, clear, reliable services delivered courteously and nonconfrontationally, and he wants those services to not cost any more than is reasonable.

However, isn't there a little more? Though Kin Hubbard, an American humorist whose quips graced columns and conversations a century ago, was clearly speaking about a typical retail market in the above quote, the underlying message is clear. The customer wants to feel that, to the greatest extent possible, he is getting the better end of the deal. A true bargain, regardless of the price.

So how does that play out in the modern telecommunications space? How can SPs ensure that the customer feels confident with the transaction and happy with the level of service that follows? In this issue of Pipeline we take a look at what is required to keep customers... and keep them happy. Reducing customer churn (and maximizing ARPU along the way) is the only path to survival in the face of multiple service options, disruptive technologies, and other tumultuous elements of the telecom world.

Take a look as LTC Analysts Barbara Lancaster and Wedge Greene analyze the ins and outs of customer service and contact centers. Also, enjoy insight from Oracle, Amdocs, and Leapstone as they each provide the answers to the questions we all have about customer care. (Bonus points if you can spot what device folks in the OSS industry think might just live up to its hype. Hint: It's exactly the one you think it might be.)

Reducing customer churn (and maximizing ARPU along the way) is the only path to survival in the face of multiple service options, disruptive technologies, and other tumultuous elements of the telecom world.

Also, take a look at Pipeline's feature on Customer Care, as well as our feature on NXTcomm 2007 and your most recent OSS news. This month we also feature a sponsored article by CA with some really valuable insight on Service Quality Management.

Now that's an issue that's a bargain at twice the price.


Tim Young

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