Pipeline Publishing, Volume 3, Issue 12
This Month's Issue:
Standards Make A Stand
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Looking Forward to TMW Nice

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Progress Software:

Q: Do you have any specific expectations of the show?
A: Data integration issues are moving to the forefront of OSS/BSS implementation discussions and we're very interested in what the industry has to say about how they're managing working with the TMF Shared Information/Data model.

Q: Are there any definitive announcements planned for the event or products you plan to showcase at the expo?
A: Progress will be announcing Progress DataXtend Semantic Integrator, Version 8.2, at the show. Version 8.1 debuted at TMW in Dallas this past December. This year we are sponsoring the publication of a new book by a TeleManagement Forum Distinguished Fellow, John Reilly. The book is "Getting Started with the SID: A SID Modeler's Guide." Progress will be giving a copy of this useful guide to the SID to all registered conference attendees.

“We hope that the show will attract many visitors from the Operator Community, particularly the 'IT guys', as previous years the profile was more oriented towards 'Network guys'.”



Q: Why did your firm decide to attend TMW?
A: It is the only show with a systems focus on network issues. It is not perfect for Nexagent, but is the best show possible for our ICT supply chain management message.

Q: Do you have any specific expectations of the show?
A: We use the Executive Appointment Service, and that typically connects us with customers. Otherwise, our expectation is to have good conversations on the floor, which has been our experience.


And, as a special bonus, Progress is bundling a free copy of the new DataXtend SID Model Browser with each book.


Q: Do you have any specific expectations of the show?
A: We hope that the show will attract many visitors from the Operator Community, particularly the "IT guys", as previous years the profile was more oriented towards "Network guys".

Q: Why did your firm decide to attend TMW?
A: With the convergence of BSS and OSS, or IT with Network, TMW is becoming more and more interesting for LHS. In addition, eTOM and NGOSS are now standards in the industry. This year with a dedicated "billing stream", LHS's attendance to TMW is mandatory.



Q: Do you have any specific expectations of the show?
A: Yes. As we are a sponsor, participant and session presenter at the event, we have a broad set of expectations. Primarily, the show is an opportunity for us to meet and discuss issues with our key telecom service provider customers in a relatively informal setting, and we expect all of our top-20 to 30 customers to be there. Secondly, it is a forum for us to reemphasize our commitment and solution strengths to the telecommunications marketplace and provide updates on new initiatives and solution releases. From that perspective, we expect a broad, well qualified set of technology experts and decision makers from the service provider community to be there. Thirdly, we expect a number of

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