Pipeline Publishing, Volume 3, Issue 12
This Month's Issue:
Standards Make A Stand
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OSS Newswatch
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ETI Software Solutions, Inc. welcomes Leonard Ray as Vice President of New Business Development. Ray will be responsible for “cultivating relationships with ETI’s many technology partners,” states the press release. Ray was formerly the Vice President of Business Development with Braselton, a Georgia-based Atlantic Engineering Group.


Skype is planning to launch Send Money, a new service that will enable Skype customers to send money to other Skype users via PayPal accounts. Skype is hoping to have the service available as early as this month.

Twitter, a new service that allows users to broadcast their lives to the world, may become the next big Web idea, similar to YouTube. Twitter’s catch phrase is “What are you doing?” and will show snippets of the lives of real people.

Verizon Communications is set to carry “Prom Queen” on its V CAST and FiOS TV services. “Prom Queen” is the first production from Vuguru, the new media studio headed up by former Disney CEO Michael Eisner.

Google Inc. has launched a toll-free directory assistance service that allows callers to search Google Local over the phone. The new service is called “Google Voice Local Search,” and is fully controlled by voice commands and is, so far, ad-free. The database only provides data for businesses in the U.S. Users calling in from a cell phone can get contact info sent to them in the form of an SMS message.

Skype is planning to launch Send Money, a new service that will enable Skype customers to send money to other Skype users via PayPal accounts.

Phillips has a new cell phone that is set to run on a standard AAA battery in an effort to avoid the possibility of battery death. The phone will have its own battery but will have a special compartment for a AAA battery that will take over if the phone’s battery runs out. The phone can run for three hours from the AAA battery.

The much-awaited and rather pricey Apple iPhone is set to hit the stores on June 11, 2007. This is the first solid launch date the company has announced.

CBS TV shows will be available to Sprint cell phone users. Entire episodes of Jericho and the CBS evening news with Katie Couric will be made available, along with clips of other CBS programs, including CIS, NCIS, Survivor, and more. CBS will sell advertising over Sprint’s network. CBS has also signed mobile content partnerships with Verizon, Cingular, and Qualcomm’s MediaFLO division.

Motorola has cut its first-quarter forecast, citing weaker than anticipated revenue from its cell-phone unit. The announcement led to Motorola’s stock falling and analysts predict that the division probably won’t see a profit until the fourth quarter.

If you have news you’d like to share with Pipeline, contact us at editor@pipelinepub.com.

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