Pipeline Publishing, Volume 3, Issue 12
This Month's Issue:
Standards Make A Stand
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Pipeline's Q & A with
the TMF's Keith Willets

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By Tim Young

In considering the issue of Standards, Pipeline took a moment to speak with Keith Willetts, Founder and Chairman of the TeleManagement Forum, industry consultant, and general expert on the space. Here's what he had to say:

Q: Thanks for taking the opportunity to speak with us, Keith. TMF is obviously a leader in the area of standards. Why are standards so important to telecommunications?

A: Well, if you go right down to a basic level, mankind would never have built the most complicated machine on the planet, the global phone system, without some basic ability to plug it all together. Standards have been important in telecom since Alexander Graham Bell, really. We engage in network standards. We're more of an IT organization, looking at how the the business processes and systems that sit behind the networks and services actually get built, delivered, billed, and so on.

Historically, there hasn't been much of a desire for standards. Every operator built it their way and that was just fine. In the last decade or so, the cost of building all of that custom software and trying to change it rapidly has just started to kill service providers. Particularly, every dollar spent on software means another five dollars integrating it. This so-called 'integration tax' has become a huge issue. It takes so long to integrate systems together and costs so much that there has been a rising desire for software that you can plug together. The desire for standardization has really grown out of a need to reduce cost. A need to reduce complexity. A need to move much faster to change the way the operational processes behind the scenes hang together. We're seeing that not just across the telecom industry, but across the software industry. If you look at the website for Oracle, or even Microsoft these days, they're talking more about software standards more and more. There's a new reason coming over the hill, as well, and that is this whole

“Particularly, every dollar spent on software means another five dollars integrating it. This so-called 'integration tax' has become a huge issue.”

convergence issue. No longer does a service provider do their own thing and put a service together and out it goes. Those services are comprised of other partners in the value chain. How do you get all of those partners to line up and provide a product that works? So there are more reasons driving it, and we provide standards for operating systems.

Q: Is the fact that standards haven't been adopted sooner the product of general malaise and a low priority for standardization, or has there been active resistance from companies that have proprietary software they want to maintain?

A: There are a lot of issues in that. We do standards at different levels. We do something we call frameworks, which are a guidance for how telecom operators should be putting their systems together. The first things that starts with are not software standards at all, but rather what are the business processes that are going to be automated with this software. Can we agree on some basic fundamentals for how you run a telecom service? This is not something you can performance test to, but the guidance is pretty comprehensive in the way it lays out the landscape. We've got the same thing in the area of data standardization, and of how you would go about ensuring that all the things you want to exchange information on are portrayed in a common way. Then you get right down to specifics, the equivalent to the USB port on the PC. The specific 'It either works or it doesn't work' software standards. We have a program called Prosspero, which is out plug and play standard. When you get down to the specific plug and play sockets, along comes a new bit of technology like IMS or SDP and all of a sudden people identify a need for a specific plug-in socket, and then you have to move quickly. In the past, that's been a lengthy process. A bunch of guys identify a need and work together, and exchange emails, and sit in smoke-filled rooms and write on flip charts. That method takes a long time, even if you use lots of collaboration tools and web techniques to speed that up. What we're moving to now is more of a software contribution approach. If anyone out there has met this problem before, did you develop software that helped you overcome it? Does it conform to our requirements? Does it have some test tools with it? We can fast-track that into Prosspero as a contribution from one

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