Pipeline Publishing, Volume 3, Issue 12
This Month's Issue:
Standards Make A Stand
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Media Kit: Packages
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• 1 Opportunities
• 2 Distribution
• 3 Ed Calendar
4 Rates
5 Packages
• 6 Materials

Sponsorship Packages

2006 Sponsorship Packages

Sponsorship packages bundle various advertisements and frequency with value-added activities that provide you maximum marketing exposure at a discounted price.

3-month Distinguished Sponsorship Package

(nearly $2,000 in savings)


  • Three ½-Page Advertisements
  • Three additional ¼-page advertisements
  • Exclusive, in-depth company page
  • Two additional Acrobat documents (total of five)
  • Standard Advertisers (ROI) Report


6-month Premier Sponsorship Package

(nearly $5,000 in savings)


  • Six ½-Page Advertisements
  • Six additional ½-Page advertisements
  • Exclusive, in-depth company page (in place of group Advertiser's Page listing)
  • Two additional Acrobat documents (total of five)
  • Standard Advertisers (ROI) Report
  • Special "Sponsored Article" Section featured in the Newsletter and Web site


1-year Exclusive Sponsorship:

(over $15,000 in savings)


  • Eleven Full-page Advertisements
  • Eleven additional ½-Page advertisements
  • Exclusive, in-depth company page
  • Two additional Acrobat documents (total of five)
  • Standard Advertisers (ROI) Report
  • Special "Sponsored Article" Section featured in the Newsletter and Web site
  • Email blast to entire subscription list (one time use)
  • Promotion on the Pipeline home page

• Download our contract.

• 1 Opportunities
• 2 Distribution
• 3 Ed Calendar
4 Rates
5 Packages
• 6 Materials

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