Pipeline Publishing, Volume 5, Issue 11
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Forging Ahead Through Transformation

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unsure environment? The short answer is that they must.

Non-traditional telecommunications players are knocking at the door, with Google voice, for example, threatening to be truly disruptive. In an economy that's seen better days, CSPs are doing whatever they can to retain subs... and no one can promise that it will be a winning battle. Many analysts in the space point to the fact that CSPs have undergone their apocalypse back in the early 2000s, and many companies lived to tell the tale. In our current economic situation, communications stocks are faring better than average. Still, the future is uncertain, and it is only through advancement that CSPs can weather the storm.

“If you're going through hell... keep going.”

And so, if your transformation project is in full swing, best of luck, and keep digging. As Winston Churchill famously said, “If you're going through hell... keep going.” 

And if you have yet to begin the journey toward transformation... it's hard to say. It doesn't seem like now's the moment to begin, but it's probably now or never. So far, however, the track record on moving backwards in technology isn't very strong. Ask anyone who still owns a Betamax. It's a long road, but a necessary one. I hope you're all packed.



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