Pipeline Publishing, Volume 5, Issue 10
This Month's Issue:
Cableco vs. Telco: Content is King
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resolve to support the competitiveness of our solutions and continue our international expansion. Astellia is well-equipped to do just that.”

As everyone knows, fraud is a terrible, terrible thing, and now Subex has partnered with Swisscom on the battlefield of fraud management. Subex’s Nikira Fraud Management System, a part of the company's integrated suite of revenue maximization applications (Revenue Operations Center), will be the core of the partnership. Nikira product is touted to help in early fraud detection, improved quality of fraud alarms, and coverage of the comprehensive fraud risk portfolio. “We highly appreciate Swisscom’s innovative approach of a vendor risk-rewards sharing model, because we are extremely confident about the success of our Fraud Management Solution. Also, with this new approach we will be in closer contact with Swisscom’s highly skilled fraud team and will have a direct input path to further developing our product. Thus ensuring that we stay ahead of competition,” said Sudeesh Yezhuvath, COO, Subex Ltd.

Moving to a standard, universal charger for mobile phones has the potential to dramatically reduce duplication and waste.

It may provide a bellwether for the BSS sector as more end-users look to avoid the high cost and risk of custom development and integration while seeking greater online transactional capabilities.

Amdocs, at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, announced several new solutions for a smooth road into 4G. These products include the Amdocs Mobile Build Automation Pack, to be released in March, which will be a packaged solution to automating standard engineering processes for any mobile network; the Amdocs App Store, a solution that will help service providers develop and sell digital applications in a 4G world; Amdocs CES – Charging 7.5T, based on “Turbo Charging” technology; and the Amdocs BSS Pack, a packaged solution to hep service providers launch and monetize any network.

Kabira Technologies, Inc. announced at Mobile World Congress a new OEM agreement with resale partner Hitachi Ltd. Hitachi will create new applications for distribution within Japan on top of Kabira’s Transaction Platform™, a high volume, real-time engine designed for billing and information transactions.  

Kabira’s well defined solution is particularly well suited for inclusion as part of a larger product offering. Rather than being a bespoke system, Kabira’s technology is akin to a chip or hardware component that fulfills specific functions. It is therefore unlike many traditional OSS/BSS offerings, in that it can be componentized as-is; act as an enabler for other applications; and be distributed through major channels that industry giants like Hitachi maintain. This model of widespread, low cost distribution enables economies of scale that tend to elude more customized technologies.

In other MWC news, the GSMA, along with 17 mobile operators and manufacturers, have demonstrated that they are keeping the needs of the environment in mind when they announced that they are committed to implementing a cross-industry standard for a universal charger for new mobile phones. Any mobile user with a box full of unwanted chargers from old phones can imagine the usefulness of this project. The official goals and reasons behind the initiative are the elimination of up to 51,000 tonnes of duplicate chargers (three cheers for the environment), an estimated 50 percent reduction in standby energy consumption (another win for Mother Earth), and the enhancement of the customer experience by simplifying the charging of mobile phones (not really Earth-oriented but any mobile operator worth its salt should at least acknowledge

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