Pipeline Publishing, Volume 3, Issue 10
This Month's Issue:
Beyond Quad-Play: XoIP
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Buying Telecom Futures?
   By Wedge Greene, LTC International

During the crest of the ATM standards movement, one of the mavens of routing and I were sharing a car back from an ATM Forum meeting in Denver to the brand new Denver airport. We were both long time IETF junkies who had joined the ATM Forum at its inception because of our respective jobs in telecommunications – he was a switch engineer for a vendor and I was a telecom engineer for a service provider. He asked me a question that burned into my mind and stayed in my memory: One of those pivotal questions on which your life turns.

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OSS Newswatch
By Tim Young

Once again, Pipeline takes a moment to look at the news that has been bouncing around the OSS world over the last month. Some of it makes larger waves, and some of it makes smaller ripples, but everything has a way of affecting the industry. Here’s your OSS Newswatch for March 2007.

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Looking Ahead to CTIA Wireless 2007
   By Alana Grelyak

With tens of thousands of attendees, four-hundred thousand square feet of exhibit space, and international participation from over one-hundred countries, it is no wonder that CTIA Wireless 2007 is at the top of the anticipation lists for service providers, software and hardware vendors, and even OSS solutions providers. Pipeline Magazine did some research to find out what to look for during this major event, occurring at the end of March, 2007.

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Will Quad Play Be a Home Run or a Strikeout for CSP's?
By Jeff Gordon, Convergys

The appeal of triple-play or quad-play to communications service providers (CSP's) is clear: Providing more services translates into bigger market share, more revenue, and higher customer lifetime value. But fail to provide adequate customer support for these services, and you may lose out on these benefits. Millions of dollars invested in networks, infrastructure, and marketing may ultimately be wasted if your customers cancel or fail to use services due to frustration or lack of understanding. This is just one reason customer service is increasingly becoming a strategic differentiator for CSP's.

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Next Gen Services Will Need Next Gen OSS
   By Scott Bender and Norman Rice, CA

The telecommunications industry is going through a fundamental market transformation prompted by competitive pressures. In response to this change, service providers are seeking to offer an ever-widening range of services to their customers quickly and cost effectively. Voice, video, and data are becoming the service foundation with Internet Protocol (IP) as the medium. To be competitive with these services, providers must ensure high service quality and customer centricity. Add to the equation an average revenue per user (ARPU) that is diminishing and customers demonstrating their preference for buying all of their ...

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Your Cell Phone Has an OS; Isn't it Time Your Network Did Too?
   By Chris Purdy, Nakina Systems

Today, handheld devices smaller than a wallet are able to transmit volumes of digital voice, video and data traffic to enable multimedia communication and entertainment from virtually any location. Now that converged services visions of anywhere-anytime communication are coming to fruition, why aren’t service providers reaping more profits than ever? The success and growth of these new “Quad Play” devices – and the networks and services that support them – has been enabled by astounding progress in wireless and broadband networking technologies. This progress can be traced back to rapid advances in computer processing and storage ...

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Making XoIP Deliver QoE
   By Eileen Haggerty, NetScout

We see it everywhere - people are surfing the web on their laptops over lattes in coffee shops and participating in web-based demos over business lunches in restaurants; doctors and nurses are using advanced PDA devices in hospitals and clinics to review patient EKGs and drug interactions; airports are filled with travelers using their mobile phones and BlackBerries for talking, sending photos, or checking emails; and the virtual office is really here with employees on computers in home offices participating in live video conferences with their corporate headquarters. These are just a few examples of how individual subscribers, enterprise businesses, ...

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Letter from the Editor
   By Tim Young, Editor-in-Chief - Pipeline.  

There are many ways to access information and entertainment. Long before the internet and its instantaneous searches for information, anyone could probably still find out about just about anything... but it might take a while. It might take research, travel, correspondence, conversation, invention, or other cumbersome means... but it was possible.

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