top of Aepona/ Appium’s XWay application server that allows easy integration with charging gateways through their current Parlay/SIP implementations. This currently supports the Liberty alliances standards for Identity management and is being evolved with the TMForum’s SDF management work as it is maturing.” [Jeremy Kagan CEO eBIZmobility]
So SDF is the great service provider Mashup. It seeks to link NPI, lifecycle management, SDPs, IMS, Internet 2, SOA, W3C, and web 2.0. Add to this mix the concept of Resource Enablers made from, and abstracting, network elements and communications protocols and transport sub-components. This links SDF into Device Management, another new working team chartered by the TMF. Lastly, the possibilities of inter-working domains and multi-vendor component assemblies allows service providers to open up their network to service creation and deployment by third parties. This enables SDF as smart hosting middleware such as envisioned by FineGrain NGOSS. Realizing this broader vision of a SDF opens up a profound strategy for network owing service providers, what we call the “garden club.”
Big Job Moving Forward
If the dedication and expectations of the TMF SDF team are an indication, this project is gaining in support and momentum. Witness these glowing statements:
Keith Miller, Pendragon Consulting, Ltd.:
“The TMForum SDF program has come a long way in a short time with over 230 people from approximately 125 companies now monitoring and contributing to the work since we started the program just over a year ago. The program holds out the best hope for providing an SDF’s management integration in a painless and future-proofed manner. I am particularly pleased with the way that companies have collaborated in a pragmatic and open manner in order to move this work forward with the discussions being focused on meaningful implementation rather than each of their individual product lines!”
Jeremy Kagan, CEO eBIZmobility:
“We are pleased to see the TMForum take the initiative with the SDF program and we believe that this work is critical in bringing long term stability to the SDF area overall and de-risking SDP implementations.”
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