particular to try to provide common forms of manageability.”
SDF will aim at interoperability. Keith Miller:
“…whilst all companies agreed that they have some of the necessary tools for building a proprietary SDP. This wasn’t really the problem; as no customer wanted a totally proprietary SDF due to the high risk of implementing products that may have no significant future and no way of removing them due to the lack of agreement on how to manage an SDF today.”
Service Delivery Framework and the “Garden Club”
“The SDF Reference Model aims to provide a means to assist industry agreement on the common SDF landscape, but TM Forum will be concentrating on the associated Management Requirements and specifications.” - Tony Richardson.
At the moment, the SDF architecture is simply a broadly illustrative model. TR139 provides several cartoon architecture drawings that block out the subject areas and indicate that some significant relationship will exist to link these up. Basically, multiple suppliers interact to provide various services and service building blocks. Services are orchestrated from service components and delivered by service enablers which abstract network platforms. BOSS capabilities are linked to the Service Operations environment. Central to all is a domain of Service Lifecycle operations that covers the origination, the service life, and the retirement of services. Main areas of SDF:
SDF Service Enablers & Applications
SDF Service Lifecycle Operation Support
SDF Management
NGOSS SOA Integration Infrastructure
Several types of interfaces are envisioned. SDF interfaces specifically abstract the invocation of an underlying resource's function. This abstraction is key to the usefulness and interoperability of SDF components and allows managed service composition from many smaller building blocks. Interface types include:
- The functional interfaces
- The resource exposure interfaces
- The lifecycle management interfaces
Among vendors, Nokia has a clear image of what an SDF will be. Maxis’ DaVinci Portal is a
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