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Q: Some of the differences between your OSS solutions and those of other vendors have received split reviews. Some view your product as a toolkit for developing custom solutions, which seriously affects implementation time. Some of your customers, like Time Warner, are vocal about supporting that approach. How do you respond?
A: I think as you look across the globe, our customers are happy customers. To truly answer your question, one needs to appreciate the challenges that OSS implementations and OSS transformations bring to carriers around the globe. Of course, this is not the first time I am hearing this, and it’s the age-old question between flexibility of a solution and whether or not a flexible solution is one that takes longer to implement. If you look at NetCracker, our solution combines unique flexibility with very rich out-of-the-box functionality. Where flexibility is critical today, and I come back to the service layer in the IP world, there isn’t really an industry standard. The IP is very new and all of the services being offered today are too new to create an industry standard and to create some powerful frameworks that exist in the TDM world. Flexibility is an absolutely critical component of any solution that is to scale with a carrier and that is to support not only yesterday’s use, but tomorrow’s. Any solution that doesn’t have those capabilities will eventually become just another legacy solution that would need to be replaced.
"Flexibility is an absolutely critical component of any solution that is to scale with a carrier and that is to support not only yesterday’s use, but tomorrow’s." |
Q: What new things can we expect from NetCracker in the future?
A: We are well positioned for continuous growth. We have grown and continued to demonstrate our flexibility in terms of understanding how this industry evolves and adjusting our solutions to that. When you look at this industry and you look at the complexity, with the ability to deliver voice services vs. IP services or wireline service management vs. wireless service management, the problems are so diverse and so complex that very few solutions can handle them. And yet our customers continue to look for one platform that will enable them to solidify all of their solutions and simplify the management of those solutions. You can expect NetCracker to be sure that our solutions continue to grow with those trends, if not ahead of those trends. I hear, when I speak to analysts or industry leaders, that they recognize how big we are and what kind of implementations and customers we have and the scale to which we would with those customers. My goal is, that within the next 6-12 months, that the entire world knows this.
Q: If you had to pick one thing that you are the most excited about in the next six months, with regards to NetCracker, what would it be?
A: That’s a hard question. We continue to grow. We continue to add customers around the globe. We continue to deliver our solutions to carriers around the globe. We probably are the only ones in the industry who are able to deliver some of these solutions to our customers and in turn allow our customers to manage all of their IP next-generation as well as legacy services across Tier 1 operations.
Q: Do you have any parting statements for your supporters, your critics, your present and potential customers, and any of Pipeline's other readers?
I would encourage all of those people that you mentioned to watch NetCracker very carefully. We’re doing some terrific things and our customers are doing some incredible things, and we would like the world to know about it. One parting remark to all of these groups is that NetCracker is growing globally and experiencing almost 100% growth rates year to year, and are hiring around the globe. So if there’s anyone out there who knows the industry, we’re always looking for help.