Pipeline Publishing, Volume 3, Issue 6
This Month's Issue: 
Avoiding Snares 
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Avoiding Snares:

“In the survival of favoured individuals and races, during the constantly-recurring struggle for existence, we see a powerful and ever-acting form of selection.”  -Charles Darwin

It’s a dangerous world out there.  Darwinism is alive and well in the telecommunications industry.  In fact, the situation may even be a little harsher in the telecom world.  Not only are the less fit doomed to extinction, they may be acquired, stripped, and jettisoned.   Ghastly.  Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of biology knows that the members of a species who are most successful are those who are aware of their environments, and able to either adapt to or circumnavigate around dangers.  Not every danger is easy to perceive, and even the most savvy in the wild must be ever-vigilant to avoid traps and stumbling blocks.   

In the wilderness, the main challenges are acquiring resources, avoiding predators and other pitfalls, and reproducing successfully.  Is there any better description of the telecommunications landscape?  Acquire resources: Bandwidth, subsidiaries, and revenue!  Avoid predators and other pitfalls: Big, scary ILECs!  Insolvency! Poor QoS!  Reproduce: Diverse service offerings!  New regional rollouts!  So how can carriers avoid danger and find success?  The first step is to be aware of the dangers that exist.  Those who fail become cautionary tales.  Those who succeed become trend-setters. 


“In the wilderness, the main challenges are acquiring resources, avoiding predators and other pitfalls, and reproducing successfully.  ”

In this issue of Pipeline, we talk about avoiding the snares that await each and every player in the telecom field.  We explore how revenue leakage ultimately can spell demise for carriers.  We find out what mergers and acquisitions mean for carriers and customers alike.  We talk about the dangers to be found in the long, hard race that is providing services to end users, and look into the implications of doing business in such a sink-or-swim environment.  We also take a look at some tools that can potentially help along the way and talk to an industry expert who has been down some of those roads before.  So take a look around and enjoy what Pipeline has to offer as we present to you this month’s issue: Avoiding Snares.


Tim Young


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