Pipeline Publishing, Volume 3, Issue 6
This Month's Issue: 
Avoiding Snares 
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Editorial Opportunities:

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• 1 Opportunities
• 2 Distribution
• 3 Ed Calendar
• 4 Submissions

Editorial Submission Requirements

Please submit your editorial ideas electronically at editorials@pipelinepub.com. You will need to include the following information to be considered:

- The title of the article

- A three-to-four-sentence summary of the proposed article(s)

- The writer’s name, title, company and contact information (name, title, company, email and phone)

- A brief outline of the article

Also include your name and contact information if it is different from the writer’s.

Additional information about the positioning or target audience can also be included, but please keep all entries under 200 words. For any questions, please contact the Pipeline editor by e-mail at editor@pipelinepub.com.



Please note: You can submit several topic/speaker proposals. There is no limit. Case studies will receive top consideration.

Sponsorship and advertising opportunities are available. For more information, see the Advertising Info section or contact advertising@pipelinepub.com.

Click here to submit your editorial idea.

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