Pipeline Publishing, Volume 3, Issue 6
This Month's Issue: 
Avoiding Snares 
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Pipeline: About Us
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Welcome to the Pipeline!

Pipeline was designed to present communications service providers with critical industry information relevant to driving profitability and delivering the latest generation of communication services. The world's leading communications providers and industry suppliers turn to Pipeline to keep abreast of market demands, government mandates, technical advances, and industry trends. Pipeline subscribers understand that the knowledge contained in our pages empowers them to address, understand, and more quickly adapt to the dynamic environment of the communications industry.

Pipeline's Service Provider and Featured Vendor profiles examine carriers and solutions that demonstrate thought-leadership, innovation, and the ability to deliver real solutions. In addition, each issue of Pipeline explores a specific area of interest to our readers, while staying focused on the issues that our readers are presently facing. The final Pipeline product delivers business, technology, regulatory, and expert coverage and analysis directly to the decision makers that govern how service providers invest in technology.

Our regular editorial outreach provides your voice to an audience interested in your technology, solutions, and applications. Pipeline's editorial staff encourages industry contributions and is dedicated to being a communications conduit between you and your market. Our world-wide team of journalists is dedicated to providing coverage of the providers and vendors who are enabling notable advances in communication services.

"Our regular editorial outreach provides your voice to an audience interested in your technology, solutions, and applications..."

Pipeline's blend of proactive editorial coverage and unique advertising functionality fosters real business growth in addition to the regular brand building value of traditional advertising. Pipeline has become a recognized industry resource for thousands of industry professionals and dedicated information channel for the world's leading communications service providers.

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