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Vendor Credibility (cont'd)
Destroying Credibility
Stephen Covey in his "Six Habits..." series of books develops a concept he calls the Emotional Bank Account. He makes the point that interactions between people have the ability to make deposits that advance a relationship, or withdrawals that weaken a relationship. Covey's ideas on "deposits" and "withdrawals" can be applied similarly to building or destroying credibility between a vendor and a carrier. Credibility is not created or destroyed in one event, but is built or dismantled one behavior at a time. Failing to do the things that build credibility tends to destroy credibility. Every misunderstood expectation, every missed commitment, every missed service opportunity erases some small portion of a vendor's credibility "bank account" and is a step away from success and maturity.
About the author:
Tom Wiencko is a professional consultant who has worked in the telecom industry for over 20 years. Mr. Wiencko is an expert in telecommunications technology, systems and business processes. As President of Wiencko & Associates, he has led projects for major carriers in a variety of areas, such as the first switch based real-time billing application, and has also managed large post-merger network integrations and technical consolidations. He can be reached at: tew@wiencko.com.
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