Pipeline Publishing, Volume 7, Issue 7
This Month's Issue:
Carrier Ethernet Emerges
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Carrier Ethernet: When it’s Right.
   By Tim Young

Ethernet: From its birth in the early 1970s by Bob Metcalfe and his team as a project at Xerox’s PARC, it was designed to simplify communications between machines on a common network. Its simplicity and practicality as a LAN technology enabled it to become commonplace on the local level, allowing...

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Do SMBs Need Triple-Digit Bandwidth? The Case for Mid-band Solutions
   By Craig Clausen and Ed Gubbins

With Verizon rolling out 150 megabit-per-second broadband service and 4G wireless service on the march, the notion of broadband over copper wires might seem dated or lackluster. But for telecom service providers targeting small businesses, copper – and in particular, copper-based mid-band Ethernet...

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Pipeline’s Q&A with Optimum Lightpath
   By Tim Young

In preparing an issue on Carrier Ethernet, we wanted to take some time to talk, one-on-one, to one of the more interesting companies working in the space. Optimum Lightpath, a subsidiary of Cablevision, has been blazing trails in the Ethernet world for quite some time now, chipping away at deeply...

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Taking Advantage of the Opportunities and Overcoming the Challenges of Carrier Ethernet Networks
   By Reza Vaez-Ghaemi

Wide scale deployment of broadband services is driving the deployment of Ethernet in carrier networks. Multiple Protocol Label Switching-Transport Profile (MPLS-TP), and Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB) will improve the scalability of Ethernet networks, while Ethernet/MPLS Operations,...

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BSS/OSS Trends: 2010 in Review
   By Jesse Cryderman

While global economies continued to recover sluggishly in 2010, the BSS/OSS sector definitely did not move at a snail’s pace. Sure, some of the buzzwords were the same—convergence, silos, virtualization, greening, clouds, smart grids—but many left the realm of bleeding edge tech-speak to become...

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The Coming Smart Grid
   By John Wilson

If you attended last month’s Management World Americas, it was hard not to leave with two words on your mind: smart grid. Everyone from the TM Forum’s Chairman, Keith Willetts, on down was buzzing about the coming smart grid revolution and what it could mean for the telecoms industry in general and...

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December NewsWatch: Clouds, Tiers, and Broadcast Fees
   By Phillip J. Britt

Cloud services are growing quickly as companies look for ways to minimize capital investments while still getting benefits from high-powered processing and scalable applications. The more services that move to the cloud, the more imperative it is for users to have top-tier OSS/BSS...

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Letter from the Editor: December, Carrier Ethernet
   By Tim Young

“It’s strange but it's true, I can't get over the way you love me like you do. But I have to be sure, when I walk out that door. Oh, how I want to be free, baby. Oh how I want to be free. Oh how I want to break free.” -Queen, “I Want to Break Free”.Ethernet knows what Freddie Mercury was talking...

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