Pipeline Publishing, Volume 7, Issue 5 |
Month's Issue: |
Wireless for Developing Markets |
Beyond the First World: Opportunities and Challenges in Emerging Markets

As operators increasingly “outgrow”
the point solutions they have
implemented to manage specific pain
points, it’s important that they address
the unique needs of these emerging
regions. They must be able to handle
the challenges common to their entire
customer base—namely low ARPU,
rapid subscriber growth and high churn
—but also balance the more basic
needs of their rural subscribers with
the demand from their urban
“Lifecycle management” solutions address the entire service lifecycle. |

subscribers for more advanced
services. A back office environment
based on lifecycle management allows
them to handle customer, service and
product management from a single
platform and better address those
challenges that threaten to derail their
success in these dynamic markets.


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