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significance as they hit the SEM, and alerts and notifications can be immediately sent out to interested parties as warranted. Unfortunately, SEMs provide only basic correlation using security events, logs, and SNMP traps. Current SEMs are not designed to process millions of events per second, as they were designed and built for enterprise networks.
Finally, NBADs enable SOC efficiency by correlating and analyzing raw traffic flows and routing events, and are complementary to an SEM system. NBADs are capable of detecting a wide range of abnormalities and threats targeting data and routing, and are designed to correlate and process millions of events per second in real-time. Due to the wider and more complete view of the traffic activity and the associated network responsiveness, the NBAD system provides a unique insight into the attack preparation, propagation, and real breadth of the attack. Unfortunately, current NBADs are solely based on SNMP data, traffic flow records and routing events. They lack the deep visibility into traffic packets (as offered by DPI), the flexibility in creating customer policies (as offered by firewalls) and the knowledge of the attacker's identity.
Each of these solutions brings something novel and important from an operational perspective, either as a useful tool to better manage the traffic itself or as a fundamental security shield against an ever-growing number of threats. Although each of these products is needed to carry out a specific type of analysis and function, a system that leverages the strengths of each can dramatically improve operational efficiencies. A system that can correlate and analyze all the information captured and processed, interpret and cluster associated alerts, and manage the overall infrastructure as a whole (monitor, diagnose, act on the data collected from a large pool of such solutions) from a single console is even more powerful. This type of system is truly a "Gateway to Traffic Intelligence" (GTI).
Characteristics of a Comprehensive GTI System
A comprehensive GTI system is designed to offer a series of fundamental operational values that ensure a secure, scalable, and high-performance network. Firstly, it offers deep insight into the behavior of network protocols, applications and services from a network-wide perspective. With a GTI system in place, the operator has the ability to understand which services, applications, and even end users consume the most bandwidth, along with the performance metrics with which services are delivered. This function is typically provided by today's DPI products at a network link level. With a GTI, the operator is able to extend this knowledge to many links at the same time, thus gaining the global "network-wide" perspective.