Tim Young
So you've built a network. You've rounded up subscribers to use that network. You have all of the elements in place to be a successful CSP. So you're all done, right? What could be left to do? Well, as we all know, it's not the getting that's essential (though it's sure a big part of the game). It's the keeping.
That's where performance management comes in. End-users must receive the experience they expect. If not, they'll churn. Choices exist, and while loyalty is a virtue, it's generally one reserved for family, God, and country.
And it isn't just about avoiding customer (read: revenue) loss. It's about maximizing profit, heading off major network failures, and generally maintaining a strong and profitable network.
So how can performance be adequately managed, customers kept happy, and profit maximized?
To answer that question, we spoke to a couple of companies that are behind the efforts of major CSPs to do just that.
Well, as we all know, it's not the getting that's essential (though it's sure a big part of the game). It's the keeping. |

they should and the business and customer expectations are being met. Performance management fits within this context and provides necessary support." That is to say, performance management can work hand-in-hand with fault management to identify degradations and root problems. In

HP and CA are both companies that we (and millions of others) are familiar with. They're sizable and relatively broad in focus. However, in approaching the topic of performance management, we took a look at a couple of case studies that involved these giants zooming in on the specific topic at hand. We took a look at HP's work with Korea's SK Telecom, and CA's work with Verizon Business.
Norm Kincl, Solutions Manager, with HP Communications, Media & Entertainment, has this to say about where performance management fits into the wider OSS/BSS landscape: "We consider the responsibility of the entire Assurance space as ensuring that the services and resources are working as

addition, according to Kincl, performance management can provide trending reports that can predict capacity needs and allow CSPs to prepare accordingly. Performance management systems can collect KPIs to help CSPs understand customer QoS. Such systems can even help providers understand the effectiveness of a marketing campaign (which is a bit of a stretch, perhaps, but theoretically promotions like free airtime at a certain time of day could place certain strains on the system that would be picked up by performance management solutions, allowing marketing personnel to get a feel for the effectiveness of the overall campaign).
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