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Figure 1. Industry Groups Related to Device Management
Device manufacturers are not a monolithic group – concise subgroup identifications and targeted value propositions are needed. A highly competitive device market may create resistance to collaboration. |

For device manufacturers and consumers, education may be needed to overcome resistance to paying for management support in devices. Device manufacturers are not a monolithic group – concise subgroup identifications and targeted value propositions are needed. A highly competitive device market may create resistance to collaboration.
For service providers, it will be critical to fund participation to develop and deploy the device management framework and the key projects. For enterprises, a key element will be recruiting other enterprises to come join the effort to create common procurement guidelines to simplify the process and save resources.
Delivering results on these ambitious device management projects will require committed investment and perseverance. But the industry has little alternative. The time has come to address these challenges in the TM Forum.
The author would like to acknowledge special contributions to this article from Abhilekh Bhardwaj of Ericsson, Zsolt Marosvari of Nokia-Siemens Networks, Martin Zach of Siemens, and Wedge Green of LTC.


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