Pipeline Publishing, Volume 3, Issue 4
This Month's Issue: 
New Frontiers 
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Editorial Opportunities:

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• 1 Opportunities
• 2 Distribution
• 3 Ed Calendar
• 4 Submissions

Distribution and Circulation

In 2005, Pipeline's total distribution was over 74,000.  Pipeline is read by an average of 6,500 recipients from the worlds leading service providers each month. These readers receive Pipeline to stay current on the developments and advancement in the OSS Industry via our website, newsletter and exclusive trade show distributions. The interest from these sources generates up to 140,000 hits to our web site in a single month.

Pipeline is read around the world, by the world's leading service providers, and the individuals delivering the next generation of communication services.  Among our Subscribers you will find the leading telecom service providers from The Americas, Europe, Asia, Middle-East, Africa, and more. Pipeline is read in more than 60 countries around the world. However, top readership comes from the following countries:

1. USA
2. Canada
3. Great Britain
4. Netherlands
5. India
6. France
7. Australia
8. China & Hong Kong SAR
9. Israel
10. Germany

In each country, the leading Tier 1 and competitive carriers receive Pipeline to stay abreast of technology trends, regulatory issues, product developments, industry events, next generation services and consumer trends.  The following sample represents a snapshot* of our 2005 distribution:

Astral Telecom
Bell Canada
Bell South
British Telecom
Cable and Wireless
China Mobile
Colt Telecom
Deutch Telecom
France Telecom
Lat Telekom
Level 3 Communications
Macedonia Telecom
NTT Dokomo
Pacific Bell
Portugal Telecom
Saskatchewan Telecom
SK Telecom

"Pipeline is read around the world by the leading service providers, and the individuals delivering the next generation of communication services."

(2005 distribution snapshot continued)

Telecom Italia
Telia Sonera
Telkom South Africa

VarTec Telecom
XO Communications

And many more...



100% of Pipeline’s Subscribers opt in to receive instant notification when a new issue is posted to www.pipelinepub.com.  Each individual has expressly subscribed to receive Pipeline spam-free**. When you consider this and our dedicated OSS editorial focus, you can be assured that each subscriber has a direct interest in OSS.  That means you can be guaranteed our Service Provider-Subscribers are interested in OSS products.

In 2005, Pipeline's subscriber list was comprised of approximately 45% service provider contacts, 20% OSS companies, and 20% hardware companies and 15% other (consultants, analysts, agencies, etc.).

distribution pie-chart


*Based on a sampling of existing 2005 data

*PL uses Constant Contact, a guaranteed, spam free mail server


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