Pipeline Publishing, Volume 7, Issue 3
This Month's Issue:
New CSP Business Models
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Networks on an Evolutionary Path

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By Jay Klein

Charles Darwin claimed that intelligence was a key part of the evolutionary journey. The more we learn to use and expand our intelligence the better positioned we are to be in the group that survives. This theory is especially significant in today’s intensely competitive Communications Service Provider (CSP) market.

All CSPs today have vast amounts of intelligence traveling through their networks. Tapping this intelligence and understanding how best to utilize it is necessary for service providers to reach the end of their own evolutionary path.

One area of extreme growth is mobile broadband. Whether it is Web browsing via mobile, social networking, or live streaming media, all of the demand from new applications and mobile devices is creating increased strain on mobile networks. And this network demand can only grow as more devices and ways to access mobile applications come to market.

This point in time will be looked back upon as an evolutionary ‘turning point’ or ‘threshold’.

The question for CSPs is how can they collect the required intelligence, understand it, and implement the functions that need to be in place in the network in order to deliver personalized offerings to their customers.

Essentially, a multidimensional approach is required for both the collection of the information as well as for a service provider’s evolution. In all of the cases above, CSPs

Yet, it is important to point out that Mobile Broadband means many things to many people:

  • For teens it means the ability to share details of their day-to-day lives with their peers through social networking apps such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter to name a few.
  • Business people utilize mobile broadband to take their offices on the go without forgoing any of their essential tools—email and office applications.
  • Health care patients’ use of Mobile Telemonitoring can have significant improvement on their quality of life.

must gather information about the application, device, network topology and subscriber in order to offer services that are truly personalized. This information needs to be collected in real-time and made available to all facets within the network. This real-time synergy of information is key to making decisions in critical areas from policy and resource allocation to charging, billing and provisioning. The CSP can get a complete picture of what is happening across their network and make important decisions from alleviating pressure in some parts of the network to identifying new application-based revenue opportunities for different subscriber groups.

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