Pipeline Publishing, Volume 3, Issue 3
This Month's Issue: 
That's Entertainment 
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Editorial Opportunities:
Editorial Calendar

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• 1 Opportunities
• 2 Distribution
• 3 Ed Calendar
• 4 Submissions

Editorial Calendar 2006

The Evolution of Communications Part One:
     SIP/IMS Part One. 
     CTIA Wireless Show Coverage.

The Evolution of Communications Part Two:
     SIP/IMS Part Two.
     NGOSS:  NGN Apps and how to support      them.
     Asia Pacific Billing & Management Week      2006


Keeping the data(and cash)flow positive.

Time for a checkup: Staying Proactive in QoS.
     Testing and Analysis
     Inventory Management
     GLOBALCOMM™2006 Postshow


That’s Entertainment:
     Next Generation On-demand services.



"Pipeline invites those from all walks of the OSS industry to submit ideas for articles that are timely and relevant..."

Serving the underserved: Telecom expansion into alternative markets.
      Municipal WiFi
      Fiber in Developing Nations
      IMS and the future of communications

Impacting the Customer Experience.
      CRM, SOA
COMPTEL Plus Fall Convention & Expo

Makeups, Breakups, and the Rules of the Road.  External Factors of Service Quality
      How SPs and Vendors are affected by: 
      Mergers and Acquisitions
      Company schisms
      Governmental regulations

Expanding IP technologies
      Cable vs Fiber
      WiMax and beyond.
TMW Dallas

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