The event also had its fair share of launches and relaunches. S2Net, which was formerly known at Open Telecommunications, is in the middle of some serious rebranding, and had a presence at the show as a part of the Telemanagement Forum’s Pavilion (which also featured Nakina, Syndesis, and DigitalFuel). Paul Sethy, the brains behind AirPrime, was also at the show promoting his new firm, Aviva, which is currently in its ‘Soft Launch’ phase.
The event also served as an opportunity for a few firms to simply let the rest of the telecom world know that they are alive and kicking. Such is true for VeriSign, which, in spite of its size (over 4000 employees), is plagued by misconceptions concerning corporate identity. “From a communications standpoint, one of the challenges that we have is that people say ‘Oh VeriSign. You’re the dot com company’ or ‘you’re the security company’,” says Lori Sinsley, of VeriSign’s Media Relations department. “The San Jose Mercury News did a story once on a VoIP partnership we had as ‘VeriSign gets into the telecommunications business’, but we had been in it for years.” Shows like GLOBALCOMM can ostensibly be opportunities to rectify those misconceptions, though a show that spans all elements of the telecom industry may not be the most advantageous venue for declaring specifics about the spaces in which you are active.
Still, with hundreds of exhibitors, there were plenty of stories to tell. Narus was at the show promoting their traffic processing solutions, which provide security, lawful intercept (a topic that flew under the radar in many meetings, but is certainly timely), and traffic classification. Security is always a hot topic, especially in the age of distributed denial of service attacks. The concept of monitoring and classifying types of traffic was hot with other firms as well, including Allot. In fact, as the number and types of IP services offered continues to increase, traffic classification is the key to managing and billing for service providers.
And, no trip to a major telecom event is complete without a spate of press releases. Syndesis announced their converged